Taming the C6100

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2016
Here is the good news: It was in this post (link) that by Mrlie found there were 5-pin to 4-pin fan cables for sale on eBay (link) and we didn't have to cut/splice anything like PigLover's method requires. I bought a set also and it arrived at my house. Soon after, PigLover pointed out that they wouldn't work, and Mrlie agreed, and that was the last we heard about it.

Well, I finally opened the package yesterday and started playing around. I realized that it could DEFINITELY work. It's just that two wires were backwards at the 5-pin end! So I swapped them, and the fans spun up with no issues!

The cable on the RIGHT is original as I received it. It is Blue/Black/Red/Yellow
The cable in the center is in the process of being fixed. I used a paperclip to push down the tabs, and pulled out the Black and Yellow cables
The cable on the LEFT (tagged with tape) after re-inserting the wires correctly, it is now Blue/YELLOW/Red/BLACK

And there you have it
I know this is like 3 years old but these fan connectors don't connect to anything in either of my C6100 chassis. I bought them without checking the FCB and now I don't realize what the point of them is?


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
I know this is like 3 years old but these fan connectors don't connect to anything in either of my C6100 chassis. I bought them without checking the FCB and now I don't realize what the point of them is?
You are correct. the C6100 is different than the C6105. I had a coworker who bought the C6100 (Intel Version) and the fan pin out out was different. If I remember correctly he stated it had a different number of pins. So you would need to modify which fan you buy because of this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2016
But the entire thread is about C6100, not C6105. It's actually not mentioned until you typed it. So I am still left wondering...hmm. Also, quick search for "C6105 fan controller board" pulls up a PCB/part number with the same fan pin-outs as the C6100 FCB.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2016
Okay so it's not mentioned very clearly but apparently it's an issue with the different revisions of the FCB, specifically PIC16 which has the 5 pin connectors and PIC18 which has the newer connectors. Damn...


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
You are correct. I just went back through it and I don't see any reference to the C6105 even though I certainly have one and it matches the 5 pin connector that is described in previous posts. I also know for sure that some people here in previous posts and my co-worker have a 6 pin connector so that throws a bit of a monkey wrench into things. Perhaps it was just something that changed over the life of the units while in production. There are a couple of posts talking about 6 pin connectors and someone I think mentioned it was an extra cable that indicated it would not be needed but I would suggest going back and re-reading to be sure.


Jul 16, 2016
Well since my c6100 will be 2 noder and the water blocks are nowhere near completed...

Just ought to cut some metal out of the way and these boxes should nice and quiet :D
Where and how did you plug these fans in !? Trying to figure it out but so far I come up empty handed :- (


New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Hi everybody,

I have just recently inherited a used C6100 but it is so loud ~77dB and I stumbled across this site. Since the thread is pretty old, has anyone done this more recently? I see the initial posts having to do some basic soldering and later on some people found a way to use the plugs. Also I see many fans being mentioned and some possibly catching fire. Has there been any unanimous decisions on what is the quietest and best fans to use now?


Jul 16, 2016
Hi everybody,

I have just recently inherited a used C6100 but it is so loud ~77dB and I stumbled across this site. Since the thread is pretty old, has anyone done this more recently? I see the initial posts having to do some basic soldering and later on some people found a way to use the plugs. Also I see many fans being mentioned and some possibly catching fire. Has there been any unanimous decisions on what is the quietest and best fans to use now?
I'm moding my C6100 today. I will be taking them apart and putting 2 nodes on 1 shelfe each. Will re-create new fan connectors and try using PWM fans. I had around 75% luck with my HP SL servers hopefully Dell is more forgiving and it will work straight away without a sea of warning. Ask up anything if I know I'll help u out :- )


New Member
Dec 12, 2016
I'm moding my C6100 today. I will be taking them apart and putting 2 nodes on 1 shelfe each. Will re-create new fan connectors and try using PWM fans. I had around 75% luck with my HP SL servers hopefully Dell is more forgiving and it will work straight away without a sea of warning. Ask up anything if I know I'll help u out :- )
Hey thanks man! I never tried modding a server rack before, been using normal PC Boxes as servers always. Which fan did you decide on in the end and why? I saw Evercool being discussed first then SuperMicro then SanAce, etc. My preference is to do as little wiring modding as possible as I am not a hardware type of person, be more comfortable with paying to get the final products as close as possible and then focusing on setting up the software.... Also, what are you doing for the connector issue?

I would also rather parts off a online store or Amazon than Ebay if possible.


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
Hi everybody,

I have just recently inherited a used C6100 but it is so loud ~77dB and I stumbled across this site. Since the thread is pretty old, has anyone done this more recently? I see the initial posts having to do some basic soldering and later on some people found a way to use the plugs. Also I see many fans being mentioned and some possibly catching fire. Has there been any unanimous decisions on what is the quietest and best fans to use now?
My situation is a little different. I have the C6105 (AMD) version. I used the SAN Ace fans and have it running for man..must be like 1.5 years or something. I had to flash the bios which is mentioned somewhere in this thread to get around the error beeps and light indicating the fans were spinning too low. It is running right next to me at my work desk and maybe it is around 45 db. I talk on the phone all day and there are no problems. I have a co-worker who also swapped fans too. Don't worry about soldering stuff, that is too complicated. Just test some Ebay fans first and see if you can get it quite enough.


Jul 16, 2016
My situation is a little different. I have the C6105 (AMD) version. I used the SAN Ace fans and have it running for man..must be like 1.5 years or something. I had to flash the bios which is mentioned somewhere in this thread to get around the error beeps and light indicating the fans were spinning too low. It is running right next to me at my work desk and maybe it is around 45 db. I talk on the phone all day and there are no problems. I have a co-worker who also swapped fans too. Don't worry about soldering stuff, that is too complicated. Just test some Ebay fans first and see if you can get it quite enough.
You actoualy should not have to solder anything at all.. just use a extension PWM cable, to cut it in half and then put the cable in new plug. I'll do later a little tutorial how I did mines as I already did sisimilartuff to HP servers 2 weeks ago.


New Member
Dec 12, 2016
My situation is a little different. I have the C6105 (AMD) version. I used the SAN Ace fans and have it running for man..must be like 1.5 years or something. I had to flash the bios which is mentioned somewhere in this thread to get around the error beeps and light indicating the fans were spinning too low. It is running right next to me at my work desk and maybe it is around 45 db. I talk on the phone all day and there are no problems. I have a co-worker who also swapped fans too. Don't worry about soldering stuff, that is too complicated. Just test some Ebay fans first and see if you can get it quite enough.
Isn't the problem with the normal fans that the connector to the Dell is different so we have to crimp like in this guide? ((Crimping guide) How to make a PWM fan splitter - EXTREME Overclocking Forums)

Can't really use Ebay easily as I am not based in the US so it is much easier to find some online store to ship to me.

On FrozenCPU.com I see the 4 fans they have are the Evercool as originally mentioned in the thread and some other high speed fan that pushes more air thru but assume is even louder (Delta 80mm x 38mm Extreme High-Speed PWM Fan - 132.6 CFM (PFC0812DE-PWM) - FrozenCPU.com goes up to 65Db vs the 56.2db of the Evercool). The San Ace is not that easily available. Is there a minimum airflow that is recommended? For example, is this fan too weak? (Cooljag Everflow 80mm x 38mm Fan - 56.66 CFM (F128038BU) - FrozenCPU.com), sound tops out around 45db. I have been checking noise levels and an ambient noise of <50Db is good to have conversations over.
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New Member
Dec 12, 2016
My situation is a little different. I have the C6105 (AMD) version. I used the SAN Ace fans and have it running for man..must be like 1.5 years or something. I had to flash the bios which is mentioned somewhere in this thread to get around the error beeps and light indicating the fans were spinning too low. It is running right next to me at my work desk and maybe it is around 45 db. I talk on the phone all day and there are no problems. I have a co-worker who also swapped fans too. Don't worry about soldering stuff, that is too complicated. Just test some Ebay fans first and see if you can get it quite enough.
Do you have the exact model of the San Ace fans you used?

Edit: Would this model work? 9G0812H102 Sanyo Denki | Mouser
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New Member
Dec 12, 2016
I would like to update that I have successfully got down to changing the fans and they work fantastic. Sound has dropped by 30dB, case still feels hot to the touch though but so far no fires or system crashes. I bought extra fans cause I thought I might screw up the crimping but I guess I still have nimble fingers from my uni days!


Kaini Industries
Nov 20, 2016
Hey, any of you happen to have your original fans sitting around? I bought a c6100 and the previous owner did a swap with the san ace fans, and it's running uncomfortably hot, like I almost burned myself touching the rear metal on a blade. (yes, all fans are working) just 2 or 3 of the originals would help I think, open to offers.

Is there anything else it could be? CPU temps are sitting around 60c, it's dusted and cleaned out, no idea what else it could be. the rear of the blades and top of the server are outrageously hot, and this is only with 2 nodes powered


Kaini Industries
Nov 20, 2016
First, replace your CPU thermal paste. That alone dropped my CPU temps 5-6'c. Then, save yourself some time and read this post:
Dell 3-Node AMD DCS6005
That's the first thing I did and it only made a difference of 2 or 3c on the CPU, obviously no change on the other components and heatsinks which is what I'm really worried about. the rear of the blades are so hot I can't touch them - these sun ace's just can't move enough air, it's barely leaking out the back.

I have a completely stock c6100 and it works perfectly, and much cooler. Interested in stock fans to try and get this second unit back to that


Kaini Industries
Nov 20, 2016
I'm not very interested in hacking the thing, I have a stock c6100 already in use and it runs plenty cool compared to this one. Just interested in getting this second one back to stock so it also runs as cool without hacking a bunch of extra fans into the thing