napp-it is switching from mini_httpd to Apache 2.4

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
napp-it is switching from mini_httpd to Apache 2.4

Up to now the webserver below napp-it is mini_httpd. This is an ultra tiny 50kB single binary webserver. With current operating systems https is no longer working due newer OpenSSL demands. As there is only little work on mini_httpd we decided to move to Apache 24 as this is part of the Solaris and OmniOS extra repository with regular bug and security fixes.

Prior an update to, install Apache on OmniOS (or rerun the wget installer)
pkg install server/apache-24

A first beta with Apache 24 for OmniOS and the new Solaris 11 CBE is current napp-it After an update Apache should work for http on port 81 and https on port 82. On problems or if you have forgotten to install Apache first, restart Apache manually via "/etc/init.d/napp-it start"

The default Apache config files are under /var/web-gui/data/tools/httpd/apache24/. If you want your own config (update save), use /var/web-gui/_my/tools/apache/httpd.conf as config file.

mini_httpd can be started on demand: "/etc/init.d/napp-it mini"

This is in beta state. Appliance group not working.
Last stable edition with mini_http is napp-it v.22.03

To downgrade, download 21.06 , 22.01, 22.02 or 22.03 (with mini_httpd)
optionally stop Apache manually via pkill -f bin/httpd
and restart mini_httpd via /etc/init.d/napp-it restart

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