Utilites Download
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Run 'Command' prompt in Adminstrator mode and then run the utilities
MegaCLI SAS RAID Management Tool Ver 8.07.07 Dec 19, 2012
(c)Copyright 2011, LSI Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
NOTE: The following options may be given at the end of any command below:
[-Silent] [-AppLogFile filename] [-NoLog] [-page[N]]
[-] is optional.
N - Number of lines per page.
MegaCli -v
MegaCli -help|-h|?
MegaCli -adpCount
MegaCli -AdpSetProp {CacheFlushInterval -val} | { RebuildRate -val}
| {PatrolReadRate -val} | {BgiRate -val} | {CCRate -val} | {ForceSGPIO -val}
| {ReconRate -val} | {SpinupDriveCount -val} | {SpinupDelay -val}
| {CoercionMode -val} | {ClusterEnable -val} | {PredFailPollInterval -val}
| {BatWarnDsbl -val} | {EccBucketSize -val} | {EccBucketLeakRate -val}
| {AbortCCOnError -val} | AlarmEnbl | AlarmDsbl | AlarmSilence
| {SMARTCpyBkEnbl -val} | {SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl -val} | NCQEnbl | NCQDsbl
| {MaintainPdFailHistoryEnbl -val} | {RstrHotSpareOnInsert -val}
| {DisableOCR -val} | {BootWithPinnedCache -val} | {enblPI -val} |{PreventPIImport -val}
| AutoEnhancedImportEnbl | AutoEnhancedImportDsbl
| {EnblSpinDownUnConfigDrvs -val}|{UseDiskActivityforLocate -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| {ExposeEnclDevicesEnbl -val} | {SpinDownTime -val}
| {SpinUpEncDrvCnt -val} | {SpinUpEncDelay -val} | {Perfmode -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| {PerfMode -val –MaxFlushLines -val –NumIOsToOrder -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -AutoDetectBackPlaneDsbl -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Auto Detect of SGPIO and i2c SEP.
1=Disable Auto Detect of SGPIO.
2=Disable Auto Detect of i2c SEP.
3=Disable Auto Detect of SGPIO and i2c SEP.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -CopyBackDsbl -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Copyback.
1=Disable Copyback.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -EnableJBOD -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable JBOD mode.
1=Enable JBOD mode.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DsblCacheBypass -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Cache Bypass.
1=Disable Cache Bypass.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -LoadBalanceMode -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Auto Load balance mode.
1=Disable Load balance mode.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -UseFDEOnlyEncrypt -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=FDE and controller encryption (if HW supports) is allowed.
1=Only support FDE encryption, disallow controller encryption.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -PrCorrectUncfgdAreas -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Correcting Media error during PR is disabled.
1=Correcting Media error during PR is allowed.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultSnapshotSpace -X% -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultViewSpace -X% -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -AutoSnapshotSpace -X% -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DsblSpinDownHSP -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Spinning down the Hot Spare is enabled.
1=Spinning down the Hot Spare is disabled.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultLdPSPolicy -Automatic| -None | -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DisableLdPS -interval n1 -time n2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where n1 is the number of hours beginning at time n2
where n2 is the number of minutes from 12:00am
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEEGHSP -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency GHSP.
1= Enabled Emergency GHSP.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEEUG -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency UG as Spare.
1= Enabled Emergency UG as Spare.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEESMARTER -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency Spare as Smarter.
1= Enabled Emergency Spare as Smarter.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DPMenable -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable Drive Performance Monitoring .
1=Enable Drive Performance Monitoring.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -SupportSSDPatrolRead -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable Patrol read for SSD drives .
1=Enable Patrol read for SSD drives.
MegaCli -AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval | RebuildRate | PatrolReadRate | ForceSGPIO
| BgiRate | CCRate | ReconRate | SpinupDriveCount | SpinupDelay
| CoercionMode | ClusterEnable | PredFailPollInterval | BatWarnDsbl
| EccBucketSize | EccBucketLeakRate | EccBucketCount | AbortCCOnError
| AlarmDsply | SMARTCpyBkEnbl | SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl | NCQDsply
| MaintainPdFailHistoryEnbl | RstrHotSpareOnInsert
| EnblSpinDownUnConfigDrvs | DisableOCR
| BootWithPinnedCache | enblPI |PreventPIImport | AutoEnhancedImportDsply | AutoDetectBackPlaneDsbl
| CopyBackDsbl | LoadBalanceMode | UseFDEOnlyEncrypt | WBSupport | EnableJBOD
| DsblCacheBypass | ExposeEnclDevicesEnbl | SpinDownTime | PrCorrectUncfgdAreas
| UseDiskActivityforLocate | ENABLEEGHSP | ENABLEEUG | ENABLEESMARTER | Perfmode | PerfModeValues
| -DPMenable -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| DefaultSnapshotSpace |
| DefaultViewSpace |
| AutoSnapshotSpace |
| DefaultLdPSPolicy | DisableLdPsInterval | DisableLdPsTime | SpinUpEncDrvCnt
| SpinUpEncDelay | PrCorrectUncfgdAreas
| DsblSpinDownHSP | SupportSSDPatrolRead -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAllInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetTime -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss -aN
MegaCli -AdpSetVerify -f fileName -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBIOS -Enbl |-Dsbl | -SOE | -BE | -HCOE | - HSM | EnblAutoSelectBootLd | DsblAutoSelectBootLd | -Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBootDrive {-Set {-Lx | -physdrv[E0:S0]}} | {-Unset {-Lx | -physdrv[E0:S0]}} |-Get -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAutoRbld -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCacheFlush -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpPR -Dsbl|EnblAuto|EnblMan|Start|Suspend|Resume|Stop|Info|SSDPatrolReadEnbl |SSDPatrolReadDsbl
|{SetDelay Val}|{-SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh}|{maxConcurrentPD Val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -Dsbl|-Info|{-ModeConc | -ModeSeq [-ExcludeLD -LN|-L0,1,2]
[-SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh ] [-SetDelay val ] } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -SetDelay val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -FwTermLog -BBUoff|BBUoffTemp|BBUon|BBUGet|Dsply|Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAlILog -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpDiag [val] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - Time in second.
MegaCli -AdpGetPciInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpShutDown -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpDowngrade -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -pdInfo -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOnline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOffline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDMakeGood -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDMakeJBOD -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDHSP {-Set [-Dedicated [-ArrayN|-Array0,1,2...]] [-EnclAffinity] [-nonRevertible]}
|-Rmv -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDRbld -Start|-Stop|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDClear -Start|-Stop|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdLocate {[-start] | -stop} -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdMarkMissing -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdGetMissing -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdReplaceMissing -physdrv[E0:S0] -arrayA, -rowB -aN
MegaCli -PdPrpRmv [-UnDo] -physdrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyInfo -phyM -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhySetLinkSpeed -phyM -speed -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdFwDownload [offline][ForceActivate] {[-SataBridge] -PhysDrv[0:1] }|{-EncdevId[devId1]} -f <filename> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetProp {-Name LdNamestring} | -RW|RO|Blocked|RemoveBlocked | WT|WB|ForcedWB [-Immediate] |RA|NORA|ADRA | DsblPI
| Cached|Direct | -EnDskCache|DisDskCache | CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU
-Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetPowerPolicy -Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching
-Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache | -Access | -Name | -DskCache | -PSPolicy | Consistency -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL
MegaCli -LDInit {-Start [-full]}|-Abort|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDCC {-Start [-force]}|-Abort|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBI -Enbl|-Dsbl|-getSetting|-Abort|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDRecon {-Start -rX [{-Add | -Rmv} -Physdrv[E0:S0,...]]}|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply
-Lx -aN
MegaCli -LdPdInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBBMClr -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -getLdExpansionInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LdExpansion -pN -dontExpandArray -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -GetBbtEntries -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Cachecade -assign|-remove -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdAdd -rX[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-szXXX [-szYYY ...]]
[-strpszM] [-Hsp[E0:S0,...]] [-AfterLdX] | [FDE|CtrlBased]
[-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force]-aN
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeAdd [-rX] -Physdrv[E0:S0,...] {-Name LdNamestring} [WT|WB|ForcedWB] [-assign -LX|L0,2,5..|LALL] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgEachDskRaid0 [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached] [-enblPI]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-strpszM]|[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgClr [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdDel -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeDel -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgFreeSpaceinfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r10 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1] [-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1] ...]
[WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU]
[-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX]| [FDE|CtrlBased]
[-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r50 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...]
[-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] ...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU][-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX]
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r60 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,E3,S3...] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,E3,S3...]
[-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,E3,S3...] ...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU][-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX]|
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CfgAllFreeDrv -rX [-SATAOnly] [-SpanCount XXX] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA]
[Direct|Cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-strpszM]
[-HspCount XX [-HspType -Dedicated|-EnclAffinity|-nonRevertible]]|
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSave -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgRestore -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Scan | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Dsply [x] | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Preview [x] | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Import [x] | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Clear [x]|[-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
x - index of foreign configurations. Optional. All by default.
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEventLogInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEvents {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceShutdown {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceReboot {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -IncludeDeleted {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetLatest n {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetCCIncon -f <fileName> -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuLearn -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSleep -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSeal -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -getBbumodes -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -SetBbuProperties -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetGGEEPData offset [Hexaddress] NumBytes n -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -ScheduleLearn -Dsbl|-Info|[-STARTTIME DDD hh] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpFacDefSet -aN
MegaCli -AdpFwFlash -f filename [-ResetNow] [-NoSigChk] [-NoVerChk] [-FWTYPE n] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetConnectorMode -ConnectorN|-Connector0,1|-ConnectorAll -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetConnectorMode -Internal|-External|-Auto -ConnectorN|-Connector0,1|-ConnectorAll -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyErrorCounters -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DirectPdMapping -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDCpyBk -Start -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDCpyBk -Stop|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -PhysDrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDInstantSecureErase -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -rX -array0[E0:S1,E1:S1.....] array1[E0:S1,E1:S1.....] -szxxx -enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDMakeSecure -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DestroySecurityKey | [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CreateSecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss | [-Passphrase sssssssssss] |[-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -CreateSecurityKey useEKMS -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -OldSecurityKey sssssssssss | -SecurityKey sssssssssss|
[-Passphrase sssssssssss] | [-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss|
[-Passphrase sssssssssss] | [-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey useEKMS -OldSecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -useEKMS -aN
MegaCli -GetKeyID [-PhysDrv[E0:S0]] -aN
MegaCli -SetKeyID -KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk -aN
MegaCli -VerifySecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
MegaCli -GetPreservedCacheList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DiscardPreservedCache -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -force -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
sssssssssss - It must be between eight and thirty-two
characters and contain at least one number,
one lowercase letter, one uppercase
letter and one non-alphanumeric character.
kkkkkkkkkkk - Must be less than 256 characters.
MegaCli -Snapshot -Enbl -szXXX SnapshotRepositoryLD N [-AutoSnapshot] [-AutoDeleteOldestSnapshot] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Setprop {-AutoSnapshot -val} | {-AutoDeleteOldestSnapshot -val} -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Dsbl -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -TakeSnapshot [-SnapshotName NameString] [-CreateView [-viewName NameString] [-RW|RO|Blocked] -szXXX] -Lx|-L0,1,2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -DeleteSnapshot -SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | -all [-Force|-Y] -Lx|L0,1,2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -CreateView -SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss [-viewName NameString] [-RW|RO|Blocked] -szXXX -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -DeleteView [-SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Info [-SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | -ViewTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Clean -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -GetViewInfo [-ViewTargetId N ] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ShowSummary [-f filename] -aN
MegaCli -ELF -GetSafeId -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ControllerFeatures -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -Applykey key <val> [Preview] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -TransferToVault -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -DeactivateTrialKey -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ReHostInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ReHostComplete -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDViewMirror -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDJoinMirror -DataSrc <val> [-force] -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -SecureErase
[Normal [ |ErasePattern ErasePatternA|ErasePattern ErasePatternA ErasePattern ErasePatternB]]|
[Thorough [ |ErasePattern ErasePatternA|ErasePattern ErasePatternA ErasePattern ErasePatternB]]]
| Stop
| ShowProg
| ProgDsply
[-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Version -Cli|-Ctrl|-Driver|-Pd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Perfmon {-start -interval <val>} | {stop} | {-getresults -f <Filename>} -aN
MegaCli -DpmStat -Dsply {lct | hist | ra | ext } [-physdrv[E0:S0]] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DpmStat -Clear {lct | hist | ra | ext } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
Note: The directly connected drives can be specified as [:S]
Wildcard '?' can be used to specify the enclosure ID for the drive in the
only enclosure without direct connected device or the direct connected
drives with no enclosure in the system.
Note:[-aALL] option assumes that the parameters specified are valid
for all the Adapters.
rogDsply option is not supported in VMWARE-COSLESS.
The following options may be given at the end of any command above:
[-Silent] [-AppLogFile filename] [-NoLog] [-page[N]]
[-] is optional.
N - Number of lines per page.
MegaCli XD -AddVd <devList>
MegaCli XD -RemVd <devList>
MegaCli XD -AddCdev <devList> | -force
MegaCli XD -RemCdev <devList>
MegaCli XD -VdList | -Configured | -Unconfigured
MegaCli XD -CdevList | -Configured | -Unconfigured
MegaCli XD -ConfigInfo
MegaCli XD -PerfStats
MegaCli XD -OnlineVd
MegaCli XD -WarpDriveInfo -iN | -iALL
MegaCli XD -FetchSafeId -iN | -iALL
MegaCli XD -ApplyActivationKey <key> -iN
Put on Bootable DOS USB or CD
Run 'Command' prompt in Adminstrator mode and then run the utilities
MegaCLI SAS RAID Management Tool Ver 8.07.07 Dec 19, 2012
(c)Copyright 2011, LSI Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
NOTE: The following options may be given at the end of any command below:
[-Silent] [-AppLogFile filename] [-NoLog] [-page[N]]
[-] is optional.
N - Number of lines per page.
MegaCli -v
MegaCli -help|-h|?
MegaCli -adpCount
MegaCli -AdpSetProp {CacheFlushInterval -val} | { RebuildRate -val}
| {PatrolReadRate -val} | {BgiRate -val} | {CCRate -val} | {ForceSGPIO -val}
| {ReconRate -val} | {SpinupDriveCount -val} | {SpinupDelay -val}
| {CoercionMode -val} | {ClusterEnable -val} | {PredFailPollInterval -val}
| {BatWarnDsbl -val} | {EccBucketSize -val} | {EccBucketLeakRate -val}
| {AbortCCOnError -val} | AlarmEnbl | AlarmDsbl | AlarmSilence
| {SMARTCpyBkEnbl -val} | {SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl -val} | NCQEnbl | NCQDsbl
| {MaintainPdFailHistoryEnbl -val} | {RstrHotSpareOnInsert -val}
| {DisableOCR -val} | {BootWithPinnedCache -val} | {enblPI -val} |{PreventPIImport -val}
| AutoEnhancedImportEnbl | AutoEnhancedImportDsbl
| {EnblSpinDownUnConfigDrvs -val}|{UseDiskActivityforLocate -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| {ExposeEnclDevicesEnbl -val} | {SpinDownTime -val}
| {SpinUpEncDrvCnt -val} | {SpinUpEncDelay -val} | {Perfmode -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| {PerfMode -val –MaxFlushLines -val –NumIOsToOrder -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -AutoDetectBackPlaneDsbl -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Auto Detect of SGPIO and i2c SEP.
1=Disable Auto Detect of SGPIO.
2=Disable Auto Detect of i2c SEP.
3=Disable Auto Detect of SGPIO and i2c SEP.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -CopyBackDsbl -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Copyback.
1=Disable Copyback.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -EnableJBOD -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable JBOD mode.
1=Enable JBOD mode.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DsblCacheBypass -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Cache Bypass.
1=Disable Cache Bypass.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -LoadBalanceMode -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Auto Load balance mode.
1=Disable Load balance mode.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -UseFDEOnlyEncrypt -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=FDE and controller encryption (if HW supports) is allowed.
1=Only support FDE encryption, disallow controller encryption.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -PrCorrectUncfgdAreas -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Correcting Media error during PR is disabled.
1=Correcting Media error during PR is allowed.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultSnapshotSpace -X% -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultViewSpace -X% -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -AutoSnapshotSpace -X% -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DsblSpinDownHSP -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Spinning down the Hot Spare is enabled.
1=Spinning down the Hot Spare is disabled.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultLdPSPolicy -Automatic| -None | -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DisableLdPS -interval n1 -time n2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where n1 is the number of hours beginning at time n2
where n2 is the number of minutes from 12:00am
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEEGHSP -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency GHSP.
1= Enabled Emergency GHSP.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEEUG -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency UG as Spare.
1= Enabled Emergency UG as Spare.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEESMARTER -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency Spare as Smarter.
1= Enabled Emergency Spare as Smarter.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DPMenable -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable Drive Performance Monitoring .
1=Enable Drive Performance Monitoring.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -SupportSSDPatrolRead -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable Patrol read for SSD drives .
1=Enable Patrol read for SSD drives.
MegaCli -AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval | RebuildRate | PatrolReadRate | ForceSGPIO
| BgiRate | CCRate | ReconRate | SpinupDriveCount | SpinupDelay
| CoercionMode | ClusterEnable | PredFailPollInterval | BatWarnDsbl
| EccBucketSize | EccBucketLeakRate | EccBucketCount | AbortCCOnError
| AlarmDsply | SMARTCpyBkEnbl | SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl | NCQDsply
| MaintainPdFailHistoryEnbl | RstrHotSpareOnInsert
| EnblSpinDownUnConfigDrvs | DisableOCR
| BootWithPinnedCache | enblPI |PreventPIImport | AutoEnhancedImportDsply | AutoDetectBackPlaneDsbl
| CopyBackDsbl | LoadBalanceMode | UseFDEOnlyEncrypt | WBSupport | EnableJBOD
| DsblCacheBypass | ExposeEnclDevicesEnbl | SpinDownTime | PrCorrectUncfgdAreas
| UseDiskActivityforLocate | ENABLEEGHSP | ENABLEEUG | ENABLEESMARTER | Perfmode | PerfModeValues
| -DPMenable -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| DefaultSnapshotSpace |
| DefaultViewSpace |
| AutoSnapshotSpace |
| DefaultLdPSPolicy | DisableLdPsInterval | DisableLdPsTime | SpinUpEncDrvCnt
| SpinUpEncDelay | PrCorrectUncfgdAreas
| DsblSpinDownHSP | SupportSSDPatrolRead -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAllInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetTime -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss -aN
MegaCli -AdpSetVerify -f fileName -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBIOS -Enbl |-Dsbl | -SOE | -BE | -HCOE | - HSM | EnblAutoSelectBootLd | DsblAutoSelectBootLd | -Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBootDrive {-Set {-Lx | -physdrv[E0:S0]}} | {-Unset {-Lx | -physdrv[E0:S0]}} |-Get -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAutoRbld -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCacheFlush -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpPR -Dsbl|EnblAuto|EnblMan|Start|Suspend|Resume|Stop|Info|SSDPatrolReadEnbl |SSDPatrolReadDsbl
|{SetDelay Val}|{-SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh}|{maxConcurrentPD Val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -Dsbl|-Info|{-ModeConc | -ModeSeq [-ExcludeLD -LN|-L0,1,2]
[-SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh ] [-SetDelay val ] } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -SetDelay val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -FwTermLog -BBUoff|BBUoffTemp|BBUon|BBUGet|Dsply|Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAlILog -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpDiag [val] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - Time in second.
MegaCli -AdpGetPciInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpShutDown -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpDowngrade -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -pdInfo -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOnline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOffline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDMakeGood -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDMakeJBOD -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDHSP {-Set [-Dedicated [-ArrayN|-Array0,1,2...]] [-EnclAffinity] [-nonRevertible]}
|-Rmv -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDRbld -Start|-Stop|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDClear -Start|-Stop|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdLocate {[-start] | -stop} -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdMarkMissing -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdGetMissing -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdReplaceMissing -physdrv[E0:S0] -arrayA, -rowB -aN
MegaCli -PdPrpRmv [-UnDo] -physdrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyInfo -phyM -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhySetLinkSpeed -phyM -speed -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdFwDownload [offline][ForceActivate] {[-SataBridge] -PhysDrv[0:1] }|{-EncdevId[devId1]} -f <filename> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetProp {-Name LdNamestring} | -RW|RO|Blocked|RemoveBlocked | WT|WB|ForcedWB [-Immediate] |RA|NORA|ADRA | DsblPI
| Cached|Direct | -EnDskCache|DisDskCache | CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU
-Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetPowerPolicy -Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching
-Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache | -Access | -Name | -DskCache | -PSPolicy | Consistency -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL
MegaCli -LDInit {-Start [-full]}|-Abort|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDCC {-Start [-force]}|-Abort|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBI -Enbl|-Dsbl|-getSetting|-Abort|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDRecon {-Start -rX [{-Add | -Rmv} -Physdrv[E0:S0,...]]}|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply
-Lx -aN
MegaCli -LdPdInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBBMClr -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -getLdExpansionInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LdExpansion -pN -dontExpandArray -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -GetBbtEntries -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Cachecade -assign|-remove -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdAdd -rX[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-szXXX [-szYYY ...]]
[-strpszM] [-Hsp[E0:S0,...]] [-AfterLdX] | [FDE|CtrlBased]
[-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force]-aN
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeAdd [-rX] -Physdrv[E0:S0,...] {-Name LdNamestring} [WT|WB|ForcedWB] [-assign -LX|L0,2,5..|LALL] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgEachDskRaid0 [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached] [-enblPI]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-strpszM]|[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgClr [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdDel -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeDel -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgFreeSpaceinfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r10 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1] [-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1] ...]
[WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU]
[-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX]| [FDE|CtrlBased]
[-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r50 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...]
[-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] ...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU][-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX]
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r60 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,E3,S3...] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,E3,S3...]
[-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,E3,S3...] ...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU][-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX]|
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CfgAllFreeDrv -rX [-SATAOnly] [-SpanCount XXX] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA]
[Direct|Cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-strpszM]
[-HspCount XX [-HspType -Dedicated|-EnclAffinity|-nonRevertible]]|
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] [-enblPI] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSave -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgRestore -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Scan | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Dsply [x] | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Preview [x] | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Import [x] | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Clear [x]|[-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
x - index of foreign configurations. Optional. All by default.
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEventLogInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEvents {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceShutdown {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceReboot {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -IncludeDeleted {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetLatest n {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f <fileName>} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetCCIncon -f <fileName> -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuLearn -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSleep -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSeal -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -getBbumodes -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -SetBbuProperties -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetGGEEPData offset [Hexaddress] NumBytes n -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -ScheduleLearn -Dsbl|-Info|[-STARTTIME DDD hh] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpFacDefSet -aN
MegaCli -AdpFwFlash -f filename [-ResetNow] [-NoSigChk] [-NoVerChk] [-FWTYPE n] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetConnectorMode -ConnectorN|-Connector0,1|-ConnectorAll -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetConnectorMode -Internal|-External|-Auto -ConnectorN|-Connector0,1|-ConnectorAll -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyErrorCounters -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DirectPdMapping -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDCpyBk -Start -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDCpyBk -Stop|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -PhysDrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDInstantSecureErase -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -rX -array0[E0:S1,E1:S1.....] array1[E0:S1,E1:S1.....] -szxxx -enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDMakeSecure -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DestroySecurityKey | [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CreateSecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss | [-Passphrase sssssssssss] |[-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -CreateSecurityKey useEKMS -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -OldSecurityKey sssssssssss | -SecurityKey sssssssssss|
[-Passphrase sssssssssss] | [-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss|
[-Passphrase sssssssssss] | [-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey useEKMS -OldSecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -useEKMS -aN
MegaCli -GetKeyID [-PhysDrv[E0:S0]] -aN
MegaCli -SetKeyID -KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk -aN
MegaCli -VerifySecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
MegaCli -GetPreservedCacheList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DiscardPreservedCache -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -force -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
sssssssssss - It must be between eight and thirty-two
characters and contain at least one number,
one lowercase letter, one uppercase
letter and one non-alphanumeric character.
kkkkkkkkkkk - Must be less than 256 characters.
MegaCli -Snapshot -Enbl -szXXX SnapshotRepositoryLD N [-AutoSnapshot] [-AutoDeleteOldestSnapshot] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Setprop {-AutoSnapshot -val} | {-AutoDeleteOldestSnapshot -val} -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Dsbl -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -TakeSnapshot [-SnapshotName NameString] [-CreateView [-viewName NameString] [-RW|RO|Blocked] -szXXX] -Lx|-L0,1,2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -DeleteSnapshot -SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | -all [-Force|-Y] -Lx|L0,1,2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -CreateView -SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss [-viewName NameString] [-RW|RO|Blocked] -szXXX -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -DeleteView [-SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Info [-SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | -ViewTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Clean -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -GetViewInfo [-ViewTargetId N ] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ShowSummary [-f filename] -aN
MegaCli -ELF -GetSafeId -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ControllerFeatures -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -Applykey key <val> [Preview] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -TransferToVault -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -DeactivateTrialKey -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ReHostInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ReHostComplete -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDViewMirror -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDJoinMirror -DataSrc <val> [-force] -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -SecureErase
[Normal [ |ErasePattern ErasePatternA|ErasePattern ErasePatternA ErasePattern ErasePatternB]]|
[Thorough [ |ErasePattern ErasePatternA|ErasePattern ErasePatternA ErasePattern ErasePatternB]]]
| Stop
| ShowProg
| ProgDsply
[-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Version -Cli|-Ctrl|-Driver|-Pd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Perfmon {-start -interval <val>} | {stop} | {-getresults -f <Filename>} -aN
MegaCli -DpmStat -Dsply {lct | hist | ra | ext } [-physdrv[E0:S0]] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DpmStat -Clear {lct | hist | ra | ext } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
Note: The directly connected drives can be specified as [:S]
Wildcard '?' can be used to specify the enclosure ID for the drive in the
only enclosure without direct connected device or the direct connected
drives with no enclosure in the system.
Note:[-aALL] option assumes that the parameters specified are valid
for all the Adapters.
The following options may be given at the end of any command above:
[-Silent] [-AppLogFile filename] [-NoLog] [-page[N]]
[-] is optional.
N - Number of lines per page.
MegaCli XD -AddVd <devList>
MegaCli XD -RemVd <devList>
MegaCli XD -AddCdev <devList> | -force
MegaCli XD -RemCdev <devList>
MegaCli XD -VdList | -Configured | -Unconfigured
MegaCli XD -CdevList | -Configured | -Unconfigured
MegaCli XD -ConfigInfo
MegaCli XD -PerfStats
MegaCli XD -OnlineVd
MegaCli XD -WarpDriveInfo -iN | -iALL
MegaCli XD -FetchSafeId -iN | -iALL
MegaCli XD -ApplyActivationKey <key> -iN
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