Intel Optane P1600X 118GB M.2 2280 - $59

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2016
intel could have licensed optane so that other manufacturers could produce it.
I hope intel sells their ip/rights to another company and that they continue optane/3dxpoint, similar to what happens currently with omnipath


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2023
the only place left for optane as storage is in direct attached storage for things like databases where the capacity of optane is still a problem…
Actually you can do a lot of coalescing database commits with a pretty small amount of low-latency nonvolatile storage, with the bulk of the data on more typical SSDs - you get better transaction latency, greater usable throughput on your SSDs (because you aren't writing everything twice,) and most importantly, more consistent commit latency, because Optane doesn't have to do the whole erase-before-write thing that can make NAND storage spike latency with random writes. Unfortunately such things were never available on cloud instances so almost nobody would actually use such a feature, but even just 8 or 16GB on an i4i.16xl would have been fantastic.


Dec 3, 2022
These are optane ssds (not nand like other nvme, sas and sata ssds).
Optane is a type of storage that is pretty fast (throughput AND latency), with low queue depths and threads it is one of the fastest media that currently exists. (Only ram based ssds are faster).

I have another optane ssd (the 900p 480gb) where I have visual studio installed.
Opening a huge project takes like 5 seconds which feels slow. But watching other colleagues via teams opening the same project and waiting 15+ seconds makes you realize how fast optane actually is. For me the "speed" is noticeable.
For home pc (not a server!) bigger nand ssds are probably better (due to price/better bang for the buck)

Edit: for me the expensive price is worth the performance (for the 900p 480gb) :D
I remember paying like $500 on sale for that exact drive in microcenter years ago. Honestly wasnt worth it for me, but alas... I was a younger man.