hpe cx556 ecat not recognized

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Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
I had a friend send me one of his cx5 nics. He wanted to cross flash to convert the nic from pci gen3 to pci gen4. We were able to do this several times in the past with similar (not exactly) nics.
One unique aspect of this nic is that it has secure-fw. This is probably due to the fact that it is an HPE branded cx5.
He showed me the output of the mlxconfig cmd before he sent and it showed the correct info and at least the mst status cmd recognized the card.

When I received the card, the mst status cmd would not show any cards. The lspci cmd would also not show any cards.

I then jumped the fnp pins and the card was recognized properly (albeit in the 525 flash recovery mode).
the flint cmd also showed the correct psid of HPE-000000000000009.
I removed the jumper and tried to reboot again but nothing showed up.

I tried this in both vmware and linux (just in case the card was in IB mode.) Still no luv.

I then took a backup of the original HPE fw and tried to crossflash with the gen4 generic(mellanox) fw.
I only used the --allow_psid_change parameter.
Still no luv after a reboot.

I am wondering if I need to add more "aggressive" parameters to the flint cmd or if using the mtusb-1 device will help.
thanks for any suggestions.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2019
Are you using the OEM version of flint? I recall recently seeing that being a thing that might sometimes be needed with certain OEM cards. :)


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
Good point. I am just using the latest version of mellanox/Nvidia tools from Nvidia's website.
I will have to search around for where any hpe version of the tools might be


Active Member
Nov 29, 2019
Good point. I am just using the latest version of mellanox/Nvidia tools from Nvidia's website.
I will have to search around for where any hpe version of the tools might be
As far as I recall, it was still hosted on Nvidia's website. It was just a different version of the tool. It was also mentioned in a thread I read fairly recently so I had hoped it would be easy to find the post. Sadly I my quick look wasn't successful.

EDIT: It might've been this comment I was thinking of actually: