I have a few issues with mounting them in my Dark Base Pro 901.
The first issue is that the drive carriers are supposed to hold 2 2.5" drives each, but that only works if they aren't the thicker drives. I can only fit one CD6 in each one, so I have to use two of them. If I use two of them, I can't use the bottom fan mount. Also, the vast majority of SFF-8639 cables have very bulky connectors, so it can be hard to route it without feeling like you're applying too much force to it. They also lack a retention mechanism. I could use the back-of-motherboard drive mounts, but I feel like there's insufficient airflow back there.
I'm thinking of 3d printing something that attacks onto a fan, so I can just have a fan + 2 drives down there, but I don't have a 3d printer yet: