During installation of two 320gb ioDrive cards I have run into an issue that is preventing the card from working or showing as available storage. The ioDrive does show up in device manager, but the error below is display upon using FIO-STATUS command:
Found 2 ioMemory devices in this system
Driver version: 3.2.15 build 1699
Adapter: Single Adapter
HP 320GB MLC PCIe ioDrive for ProLiant Servers, Product Number:600279-B2
1, SN:abc123
External Power: NOT connected
PCIe Power limit threshold: 24.75W
Connected ioMemory modules:
fct0: Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
fct0 Attached
HP ioDrive 320GB, Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
Firmware v7.1.17, rev 116786 Public
320.00 GBytes device size
Internal temperature: 58.08 degC, max 58.08 degC
Reserve space status: Healthy; Reserves: 100.00%, warn at 10.00%
Contained VSUs:
fct0: ID:0, UUID:597d5f48-c13d-4d8d-9bc5-fdf5daf9cbb9
fct0 State: Online, Type: block device
ID:0, UUID:597d5f48-c13d-4d8d-9bc5-fdf5daf9cbb9
320.00 GBytes device size
Adapter: Single Adapter
HP 320GB MLC PCIe ioDrive for ProLiant Servers, Product Number:600279-B2
1, SN:abc123
External Power: NOT connected
PCIe Power limit threshold: 24.75W
Connected ioMemory modules:
fct1: Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
fct1 Status unknown: Driver is in MINIMAL MODE:
General channel initialization failure
HP ioDrive 320GB, Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
!! ---> There are active errors or warnings on this device! Read below for deta
Firmware v7.1.17, rev 116786 Public
Geometry and capacity information not available.
Internal temperature: 60.54 degC, max 60.54 degC
The ioMemory is currently running in a minimal state.
Found 2 ioMemory devices in this system
Driver version: 3.2.15 build 1699
Adapter: Single Adapter
HP 320GB MLC PCIe ioDrive for ProLiant Servers, Product Number:600279-B2
1, SN:abc123
External Power: NOT connected
PCIe Power limit threshold: 24.75W
Connected ioMemory modules:
fct0: Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
fct0 Attached
HP ioDrive 320GB, Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
Firmware v7.1.17, rev 116786 Public
320.00 GBytes device size
Internal temperature: 58.08 degC, max 58.08 degC
Reserve space status: Healthy; Reserves: 100.00%, warn at 10.00%
Contained VSUs:
fct0: ID:0, UUID:597d5f48-c13d-4d8d-9bc5-fdf5daf9cbb9
fct0 State: Online, Type: block device
ID:0, UUID:597d5f48-c13d-4d8d-9bc5-fdf5daf9cbb9
320.00 GBytes device size
Adapter: Single Adapter
HP 320GB MLC PCIe ioDrive for ProLiant Servers, Product Number:600279-B2
1, SN:abc123
External Power: NOT connected
PCIe Power limit threshold: 24.75W
Connected ioMemory modules:
fct1: Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
fct1 Status unknown: Driver is in MINIMAL MODE:
General channel initialization failure
HP ioDrive 320GB, Product Number:600279-B21, SN:abc123
!! ---> There are active errors or warnings on this device! Read below for deta
Firmware v7.1.17, rev 116786 Public
Geometry and capacity information not available.
Internal temperature: 60.54 degC, max 60.54 degC
The ioMemory is currently running in a minimal state.
I have tried to remove the cards and reseat them. I have tried to flash the erroneous card with firmware again and have tried both HP and non-HP (SanDisk) drivers to no avail. I also tried the simple options like fio-format and fio-sure-erase; both failed with an error that the drive is in the wrong state for command. Lastly I tried the fio-attach/fio-detach commands with similar results.
I am beyond the replacement period so return or exchange is not an option. I would appreciate any insight or thoughts as to how to get this card out of minimal mode, etc.
I am beyond the replacement period so return or exchange is not an option. I would appreciate any insight or thoughts as to how to get this card out of minimal mode, etc.