Fresh ESXi 6.7 install; Error 28 No space left issue during latest update

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2016
San Antonio, TX
I just did a fresh install of ESXi 6.7. When I try to update it to the latest profile I get the following error. The install is on a 32GB mSATA device.

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-20190104001-standard \
 [Errno 28] No space left on device
 Please refer to the log file for more details.

  File: "/"
    ID: 100000000 Namelen: 127     Type: visorfs
Block size: 4096
Blocks: Total: 568868     Free: 371228     Available: 371228
Inodes: Total: 655360     Free: 648812

Ptr Blocks shows max/free as 0/0. Is this the contributing factor?

vmkfstools -Ph -v 10 /vmfs/volumes/5c69e33b-ca55bcf6-dcee-ac1f6b82cd77
VMFS-6.82 (Raw Major Version: 24) file system spanning 1 partitions.
File system label (if any): datastore1
Mode: public
Capacity 22.2 GB, 19.8 GB available, file block size 1 MB, max supported file size 64 TB
Volume Creation Time: Sun Feb 17 22:42:03 2019
Files (max/free): 16384/16374
Ptr Blocks (max/free): 0/0
Sub Blocks (max/free): 16384/16383
Secondary Ptr Blocks (max/free): 256/255
File Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/2463/0
Ptr Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/0/0
Sub Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/1/0
Large File Blocks (total/used/file block clusters): 45/0/45
Volume Metadata size: 1502584832
Disk Block Size: 512/512/0
UUID: 5c69e33b-ca55bcf6-dcee-ac1f6b82cd77
Logical device: 5c69e335-f12283e0-d913-ac1f6b82cd77
Partitions spanned (on "lvm"):
Is Native Snapshot Capable: NO
OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.
WORKER: asyncOps=0 maxActiveOps=0 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0

I was able to successfully update the vibs even though the software profile update fails. Shouldn't the vib update fail too if the above was the issue?

esxcli software vib update  \
> -d
- Checked and the Swap enabled
- tried the ESXi-6.7.0-20190104001-no-tools
- Did not see any large log files etc.

No large log files etc.
find / -path "/vmfs" -prune -o -type f -size +50000k -exec ls -lh '{}' \;
Appreciate any help I can get on this. I checked out most of the troubleshooting tips that I could find on the interwebz...


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
From my personal logs...

[Errno 28] No space left on device
Go to Host > Manage > System > Swap and activate swap on our datastore vmfs.

O/c I didn't discover it but was plagued by it so often that i saved it ;)

Oh I see you have swap enabled? Now thats weird then.

Edit2 - And to provide some thing useful, here is a comparison from a 32GB drive
 vmkfstools -Ph -v 10 /vmfs/volumes/Boot/
VMFS-5.81 (Raw Major Version: 14) file system spanning 1 partitions.
File system label (if any): Boot
Mode: public
Capacity 22.2 GB, 17.7 GB available, file block size 1 MB, max supported file size 62.9 TB
Volume Creation Time: Sun Jul 16 14:30:02 2017
Files (max/free): 109068/109058
Ptr Blocks (max/free): 64512/64492
Sub Blocks (max/free): 32000/31999
Secondary Ptr Blocks (max/free): 256/256
File Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/4697/0
Ptr Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/20/0
Sub Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/1/0
Volume Metadata size: 760766464
Disk Block Size: 512/512/0
UUID: 596b786a-749efb64-5b1b-0025905db545
Logical device: 596b7868-b921332c-60d6-0025905db545
Partitions spanned (on "lvm"):
Is Native Snapshot Capable: YES
OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.
WORKER: asyncOps=0 maxActiveOps=0 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0

Looks like your pointers are used up, but why...

Can you upgrade to a december build?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2016
San Antonio, TX
There was a November build and that also failed. I don't think I saw a December build.

Swap was disabled on mine too. I enabled it and selected datastore as was suggested in one of the check lists :)

The "Ptr Blocks" is perplexing. It's clean install and I just took the defaults. I ran the suggested checks that in various KBs and google searches on this topic.

One thing I noticed is that my FS is VMFS-6.82 (Raw Major Version: 24). Guess I'll reinistall and try later this evening. Like noted earlier, vib update succeeded I can check the vib versions but they should be current. Just the profile still shows the 201810*.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
Well my install is old, that will explain the difference

Just realized I had one from my HA debugging attempts as well

 vmkfstools -Ph -v 10 /vmfs/volumes/datastore1\ \(1\)/
VMFS-6.82 (Raw Major Version: 24) file system spanning 1 partitions.
File system label (if any): datastore1 (1)
Mode: public
Capacity 22.2 GB, 20.8 GB available, file block size 1 MB, max supported file size 64 TB
Volume Creation Time: Mon Feb 11 21:02:14 2019
Files (max/free): 16384/16375
Ptr Blocks (max/free): 0/0
Sub Blocks (max/free): 16384/16384
Secondary Ptr Blocks (max/free): 256/255
File Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/1439/0
Ptr Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/0/0
Sub Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/0/0
Large File Blocks (total/used/file block clusters): 45/0/45
Volume Metadata size: 1502584832
Disk Block Size: 512/512/0
UUID: 5c61e2d6-49b1b1ac-9acc-248a07a0a9c8
Logical device: 5c61e2d5-efb3694c-89fd-248a07a0a9c8
Partitions spanned (on "lvm"):
Is Native Snapshot Capable: NO
OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.
WORKER: asyncOps=0 maxActiveOps=0 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0
That one also has 0 PTRs... it upgraded fine to the latest but also has weird behaviour

Same box, different installation disk (960GB), same 0 PTRs - so dont think its relevant on VMFS6

vmkfstools -Ph -v 10 /vmfs/volumes/datastore1\ \(2\)/
VMFS-6.82 (Raw Major Version: 24) file system spanning 1 partitions.
File system label (if any): datastore1 (2)
Mode: public
Capacity 886.8 GB, 885.3 GB available, file block size 1 MB, max supported file size 64 TB
Volume Creation Time: Mon Feb 11 22:21:36 2019
Files (max/free): 16384/16375
Ptr Blocks (max/free): 0/0
Sub Blocks (max/free): 16384/16384
Secondary Ptr Blocks (max/free): 256/255
File Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/1453/0
Ptr Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/0/0
Sub Blocks  (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/0/0
Large File Blocks (total/used/file block clusters): 1774/0/238
Volume Metadata size: 1517600768
Disk Block Size: 512/512/0
UUID: 5c61f570-0f00910c-75ab-248a07a0a9c8
Logical device: 5c61f56f-72a6976c-70c4-248a07a0a9c8
Partitions spanned (on "lvm"):
Is Native Snapshot Capable: NO
OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.
WORKER: asyncOps=0 maxActiveOps=0 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2016
San Antonio, TX
For now, i just manually downloaded the vib file, uploaded it to the datastore, and ran a VIB update.
esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-20190104001-no-tools -d <depot> is still failing.
-- need to figure out how to increase the /tmp on visorfs. It's 256MB limit I think is causing the update to fail.
esxcli system visorfs ramdisk list
Ramdisk Name  System  Include in Coredumps   Reserved      Maximum      Used  Peak Used   Free  Reserved Free  Maximum Inodes  Allocated Inodes  Used Inodes  Mount Point
------------  ------  --------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  ---------  -----  -------------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------------------------
root            true                  true  32768 KiB    32768 KiB  2296 KiB   2296 KiB   92 %           92 %           16928              5248         5230  /
etc             true                  true  28672 KiB    28672 KiB   172 KiB    200 KiB   99 %           99 %            4096              1024          631  /etc
opt             true                  true      0 KiB    32768 KiB     0 KiB      0 KiB  100 %            0 %            8192              1024            7  /opt
var             true                  true   5120 KiB    49152 KiB   360 KiB    376 KiB   99 %           92 %            8192               672          665  /var
tmp            false                 false   2048 KiB   262144 KiB    12 KiB   1296 KiB   99 %           99 %            8192               256            5  /tmp
iofilters      false                 false      0 KiB    32768 KiB     0 KiB      0 KiB  100 %            0 %           10240                32            1  /var/run/iofilters
shm            false                 false      0 KiB  1048576 KiB     0 KiB      0 KiB  100 %            0 %             512                32            1  /var/run/shm
hostdstats     false                 false      0 KiB   160768 KiB  1788 KiB   1788 KiB   98 %            0 %            8192                32            4  /var/lib/vmware/hostd/stats

Funny thing is the build number shows the Jan-2019 version but the software profile shows Oct-2018

VMware Knowledge Base



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
Ouch - just realized I wiped three "productive" drives with copying your command blindly :O
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2016
San Antonio, TX
Ouch. Sorry to hear that.

On the same vein, imagine what I did couple of weeks ago. I was cleaning up old remnants on my Ubuntu 18.04 linux . Just up arrow change the last digit and run both the commands. Toward the end did 4.4.0-4*. I think you can guess the result. Fortunately, I was able to recover quickly.

for i in `find /lib/ -name "4.4.0-2*"` ; do echo $i ; done
for i in `find /lib/ -name "4.4.0-2*"` ; do rm -r $i ; done


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
So have you ever resolved that issue?
I think I just encountered it too ...


Not affiliated with Maxell
Mar 2, 2019
check if you /bootbank folder points to /tmp.
If it does the fix for that is : VMware Knowledge Base

another option would be to find boot.cfg. You should find two. Find one with newer build file (cat it)
add devStabilityCount=10. save and reboot
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2016
San Antonio, TX
I gave up on this. Tried few suggestions found on the interwebs but none of them worked. I should have opened an incident while eval was still active.

You can manually download the VIB and update but normal process kept failing. I even tried "no-tools" profile without success.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
One can open Tickets during eval? For all products?
Totally news to me


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2016
I had the error 28 on a recent installtion too, swap was alaready enabled.

"Fixed" it by using
esxcli system module set -m=vmkusb -e=FALSE
before the installtion and
esxcli system module set -m=vmkusb -e=TRUE
after installtion.

Not sure if it can help you guys.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
That did not help either, but i also decided not to spend any more time on this and to do the installation workaround.

There are a couple of links available when searching for "No space left on device vibs = VMware_locker_tools-light" , eg
No Space Left On Device vmware_locker_tools error when upgrading ESXI 6.7

that worked:)

Edit - this does not seem to be exactly the same issue as the OP, his was not related to a particular vib it seems
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