DEAD: HGST SSD1600MM - HUSMM1640ASS201 - 400GB US $47.95 OBO

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
Updated 10/29/19
Updated 11/2/19
Updated 11/6/19
Updated 02/14/2020 by @int0x2e - New seller @47.95, OBO 8 @37.50 accepted - YMMV.

Updated 02/14/2020- In this latest episode of how the SSD's sell: 30 drives sold in 3 hours... possible STH effect at play.

New link, new price at $59.00 each. 66 drives at time of update.
Current link and new price at $54.99. 50 drives at time of update.

Probably last batch from this seller at 64.99 now. 10 Left at the time of this update.
This is my last update to the OP.

Drives are Sun/Oracle branded - may or may not be locked. New LOW price for this model drive on the bay.

This seems like a good deal since 18 months ago a hot deals post had this drive around $100.
HGST SSD1600MM HUSMM1640ASS201 - SSD - Solid State Drive - 400 GB - SAS 12Gb - $53.00

Edit - Looks like about 170 or so of these available.

Possible Caveats:
Seller has few ratings though IMO the two negatives are not particularly egregious. YMMV.
Drives may be IBM labeled so probably 520 byte sector - easy fix via sg_format
Drives may be IBM labeled - could be locked in at 6Gbps see here - Niagara download is still available.
Drives could be vendor locked in some weird way and not usable.
Drives may have low health - then again with the decent DWPD on them I'm probably safe with 60% health remaining (for my use so YMMV).

In my mind:
Last year I was really happy getting the HUSML4040ASS601 drives for 50.00 / drive. This seems like just as good a deal.

I'm taking a gamble but I have quite a few open bays on my CSE-417 ;) . Worst case is I'm out the shipping and time if I can't get them to work. I purchased a large enough sample to get a feel for what they have and will report back after I receive them and take a look.

Note: I have no relationship with the seller - found these while searching for some cheap PERC H310's to flash and flip.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
URL seems corrupted in your link
The Niagara ftp link was redirecting somewhere strange so I removed it. all the other links seem to be working. the Niagara FTP URL is available in the linked post on tweaking the settings for these devices.

Let me know if you have any other linkage issues.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2017
Worked for me. :)
Strange. From my phone when I tried clicking it, it didn't have a domain name or anything, just basically the text with a bunch of gibberish..tried on/off wifi to rule out my pihole doing something strange. did not try from computer, but seems op changed link..also, why FTP for an ebay link?

Also, damn 9/11W typical usage..that's more than a spinning drive :( 10 of these in my 1U would consume as much power as the rest of the system lol.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
FTP was for the Niagara download - just trying to put relevant info in the thread as I tried to do some research on the drives and possible issues before posting it here.
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cat lover server enthusiast
Jul 7, 2016
FYI, I've worked with that seller before and he's a decent guy. I've had many successful transactions with him. However, they are basically a electronics recycler, so he may not have in-depth knowledge of what he's selling.


Jun 30, 2014
Insane deal IMHO, I know a lot of folks are into that NVMe 'hotness' but these are sooo rock solid. 18-24 months ago I was plopping down $140 per drive of this model so ummm yeah STEAL.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
I received my drives today. I don't think I'll have time to hook them up till this weekend but for "used" drives these look pretty new (images attached). I opened one and found: no scratches, indications the threads have been used, no dust, nothing but the silica pack which I have also never seen included with a used drive from ebay. The box actually looked like the original manufacturer shipment box including instructions about loading drives, max stack etc...

Almost feels like field depot spares were auctioned off...

I'll know more when I fire some up. may just go for broke (and tendonitis) and mount 'em all in one shot and see if they come online together.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
I'm really quite pleased with this deal.
Drives were immediately usable in FreeNAS.
Drives were formatted with 512byte sector (phys 4K), Type 2 protection.

NB: all drives were formatted with type 2 protection. This may or may not be a problem for you depending on the platform you are using.

I was curious - learned a bit about type 2 protection decided that since I have a mix of controllers/OS and sometimes move things around that I would remove the type 2 protection which matches my HUSML4040ASS601. Information on type 2 protection and changing it was found here.

Additional details:

I believe the drives I received (21) are all new.
The 20 drives in the mfg shipping box were all manufactured week 37 of 2017
the 1 loose drive was manufactured in March of 2017 according to the label.
Drive statistics were all 0 at start.

Drives could have been zero'ed out in a refurb I suppose but the condition of the drives, packaging, etc lead me to believe these are all new.

Using a not very sophisticated testing process writes are a little faster (10-25% depending on block size with most noticeable differences between 16KB and 64KB RS) than my HUSML4040ASS601 (2308 / SAS2 expander) but not enough so that intermingling them in an array might get weird.

Sample drive information (note write counts were from me doing some really preliminary testing).

Vendor: IBM-ESXS
Product: HUSMM1640ASS20E
Revision: N4C8
Compliance: SPC-4
User Capacity: 400,088,457,216 bytes [400 GB]
Logical block size: 512 bytes
Physical block size: 4096 bytes
Formatted with type 2 protection <--- Note!!!
LU is resource provisioned, LBPRZ=1
Rotation Rate: Solid State Device
Form Factor: 2.5 inches
Logical Unit id: 0x5000cca04ec3e674
Serial number: XXXXXXXXXXXX
Device type: disk
Transport protocol: SAS (SPL-3)
Local Time is: Sat Oct 19 10:00:51 2019 MDT
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
Temperature Warning: Enabled

SMART Health Status: OK

Percentage used endurance indicator: 0%
Current Drive Temperature: 25 C
Drive Trip Temperature: 65 C

Manufactured in week 37 of year 2017
Specified cycle count over device lifetime: 0
Accumulated start-stop cycles: 0
Specified load-unload count over device lifetime: 0
Accumulated load-unload cycles: 0

Error counter log:
Errors Corrected by Total Correction Gigabytes Total
ECC rereads/ errors algorithm processed uncorrected
fast | delayed rewrites corrected invocations [10^9 bytes] errors
read: 0 0 0 0 0 0.024 0
write: 0 0 0 0 0 5.193 0
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Feb 3, 2019
NB: all drives were formatted with type 2 protection. This may or may not be a problem for you depending on the platform you are using.
The 20 drives in the mfg shipping box were all manufactured week 37 of 2017
the 1 loose drive was manufactured in March of 2017 according to the label.
My 2 drives were also manufactured in week 37 of 2017.

Thanks for the details.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2012
Drives are already at 512...check.
Drives are low hours...check.
A 'lil bit of work is required to remove Type 2 protection.
Price is right...check.

What's not to like about this deal?
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2017
Drives are already at 512...check.
Drives are low hours...check.
A 'lil bit of work is required to remove Type 2 protection.
Price is right...check.

What's not to like about this deal?
2-3x power consumption of a SATA SSD...that's about it


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
Did anybody measure the actual consumption for this drive? Looking at the datasheet it should be more like 2.2W idle (on average), than the 9W typical you're referring to.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
Just observing the power consumption graphs via IPMI so not very scientific

Prior to install my average power draw total was about 240w (with a mix of older SAS and SATA SSD's 40 drives).
Since installing 20x HUSMM1640ASS20E, my new average power draw is about 263W or an increase of ~1.15W per drive as measured over 2 days.

CSE-417, 2 x 1200W SQ PS,
8x 16GB PC3L-12800R,
HP/Mellanox Flashed dual, 40Gbe,
3x HP H220 P20 IT Mode,
2x intel P3605 (1.6TB) - test pool,
20x HUSML4040ASS601 (400GB) - VM storage pool,
20x HUSMM1640ASS20E (400GB) - NEW/testing pool,
2x HUSSL4010ASS600 (100GB) - SLOG For PM 853T Pool
16x PM 853T (960GB) - Backup Pool,
2x intel DC S3500 (80GB) - Boot,

New drives are in their own pool as I conduct some testing so they are in general very idle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Denver, Colorado
@awedio about 3-4 minutes. I didn't clock it. faster than I thought. I did 1, checked params, did 2 more, built a pool. quick test. destroyed the pool, put the command in a file, duplicated and changed the da# for the rest of the drives added stdout/stderr redirect and background for each. one shot so I didn't build a real script. remaining 17 drives took maybe 5-7 mins. Not sure on exact time as I walked away. built a pool with all of them and did more scribble testing.
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