You probably want a Belling BL6523B or GX based meter. Or one based on the ADE7953. These are precise enough. 0.1% or so. If you put BL6523 into Youtube you will find a video from some guy who has connected his meter to Tasmota. You can see the model in the video. Of course China being the Wundertüte of electronics it is, you could get a meter looking like that but with totally different and much worse characteristics.
You might say, holy smokes how did I know all this. I didn't. I cheated. All I knew was that Tasmota has drivers for various chips which are energy meters. So I looked through Tasmota's drivers for nicely precise chips. See here:
Tasmota/tasmota/tasmota_xnrg_energy at development · arendst/Tasmota Maybe you can find a few more with similar precision.
As per usual, if you get a Shelly 2.5 to reflash it to Tasmota, 110V or 230V are serious hazards. If you touch the wrong wire, you might die or be seriously injured. I have touched 230V inadvertantly a couple of times in my life. Knocked 50 IQ points off easily.