I believe they are 1G locked without 10Gig licensesIs it true that the 10G ports on a 66XX series are enabled as 10G no matter what license you have ?
It's an activation code you use on Ruckus's website to generate a license file for your switchOK, what wonders me is: how can you have stock licenses that must be based on your LiD ?
I believe it’s the psu fans that are noisy on the 6610.I know that someone on the forum has chopped the 6610 top cover and placed a fan to help with the airflow.
1. Could you please post some pictures with the endresult?
2. was it worth it from a noise perspective (is it quieter now?)
As already mentioned, the command is show license. You'll keep any license that's already on the device if you follow the guide.I picked up my 6450 from a local e-recycling center today. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm loving it. It's scratching an itch that I haven't enjoyed since playing with new tech in college.
Basic question: How can I check the license that I have on it? I was worried about erasing the current license since that's what the help menu seemed to indicate.
Brocade-ICX6450-24P#show license
Index Lic Mode Lic Name .... Lic Type Status Lic Period Lic Capacity
Stack unit 1:
1 Node Lock ICX6450-10G-LIC-POD <snip> Normal Active Unlimited 4
2 Node Lock ICX6450-PREM-LIC-SW <snip> Normal Active Unlimited 1