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Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

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Active Member
Nov 27, 2016
Sending data in both directions at the same time. You can use iperf3 with the --bidir flag.

Ok let me test later, it was actually iPerf that I had used for my speed test.

To me two devices on my AP doing a transfer would be bi-directional, but never have I used that flag and it might be a good thing to add to my future testing.

Edit: seems that bidir is not in the version I have on my devices.
I was running 10 paralell streams though.

Have another way to test this and see if its actually an issue? So far all real world testing is fine.
Also this makes me excited to try the new iperf sometime lol.

I can get the new version on a VM on my hypervisor, but that means not able to use my phone/tablet and other devices to be the other side (good for testing wireless and seeing the generational difference in different wireless technologies)
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2019


Jul 27, 2021
Took a little while, but this works.
I want to provide a quick update on progress of my effort of enabling automated testing and deployment to ICX switches.

At this point I have created scripts that test accessibility against an increasing number of end points on my home network and report success/fail for each VLAN. This provides me an objective measure of security and I can compare that to my (VLAN design) goals.
I keep these in my git repo and run them via a CI/CD pipeline that will provide feedback on any change I implement on the switch. At this point each change triggers >250 tests with more expected to come online, soon. I already found and addressed a bunch of issues identified that fall into categories from service misconfiguration to switch/router/network misconfiguration.

I plan on breaking up the content of a switch configuration by implementation goals allowing me to easier remember what parts of the switch configuration were enabled. Also, I plan on adding some basic performance tests to the framework, allowing me to programmatically identify misconfigurations.

While this sort of quality assessment is common in programming I have not (yet) seen open source tools or capabilities applied to switch/network configurations. Well, I am sure enterprise class and -priced tools exist, but these don't apply to my home network ;)

Let me know if I missed anything or if you're interested in me sharing more about this.
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Apr 18, 2023
I want to provide a quick update on progress of my effort of enabling automated testing and deployment to ICX switches.
Very cool. I would think that OpenTofu would be a tool to deploy "parts of configuration", though there's no provider that I know of to do it to ICX Switches. The first thing that springs to my mind would be being able to deploy firewall rules (access control lists).

Or are you describing something more like Nessus, where you've got sensors that are trying to connect to endpoints?

Shared anywhere on github/gitlab?


Jul 27, 2021
Or are you describing something more like Nessus, where you've got sensors that are trying to connect to endpoints?
No. That's really cool, but not the thing I try to solve. Lemme explain.

I manage a somewhat suped-up home network, full of enthusiasm, but otherwise very not professional. It has multiple VLANs (say, one for untrustworthy IoT devices, one for management e.g. to prevent the kids hacking into firewall for circumventing their time limit, one for trusted family use). I like my privacy and deploy a bunch of (micro-)services that provide modern creature comforts without having to rely on cloud; e.g. pihole dns, file share, jellyfin, gitlab, etc. I want some services accessible from all vlans (dns, ntp, etc.), but make others only available to specific VLANs.

At this point I use the most basic way to test if a service accessible, netcat to a port (UDP/TCP depending on service). In case of a failure I want the script to collect some troubleshooting info. For example dns:
test="$ssh_cmd nc -zw1 53 -s $local_ip"
if [ "$1" = "debug" ] ; then
  $ssh_cmd ping -4c2
  echo $test
  $($test -v)
I want to run this test once for each vlan, hence it is encapsulated in its own script. Also, as I said earlier, at this point I have a couple dozen of these tests.

The general idea is to use a test client connected to an interface on my ICX switch, submit all the tests and collect the results, then change the VLAN association on the ICX interface.
I use a raspberry pi with two network interfaces. The first (eth0) to connect and submit commands via SSH ($ssh_cmd), the second (eth1) as test interface. The script above uses the following command to figure out what IP the test interface currently has.
local_ip=$($ssh_cmd ip a show dev eth1 | grep  "inet \(.*\)/" -o | grep -o "[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*")
To change the VLAN, I not only need to assign the ICX interface to the correct VLAN, but I also need to change the NIC address on the pi. The following script does all that
# Figure out what VLAN the interface is currently assigned to.
current_vlan=$($ssh_cmd ip a show dev eth1 | grep  "inet \(.*\)/" -o | sed 's/inet [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.\([[:digit:]]*\)\.[[:digit:]]*\//\1/')
echo Current vlan is $current_vlan.

# Generate ICX script to switch interface to new VLAN
cat > vlan.script <<EOF
conf t vlan ${current_vlan}
no untagged ethernet $2
vlan $1
untagged ethernet $2
int e $2

# Run above script on the ICX
./run_script.exp vlan.script "SSH@icx6450"

# change ip on pi test interface
$ssh_cmd sudo nmcli c modify test_connection ipv4.addresses "192.168.$1.250/24"
$ssh_cmd sudo nmcli c modify test_connection ipv4.gateway "192.168.$1.1"
$ssh_cmd sudo nmcli c down test_connection
$ssh_cmd sudo nmcli c up test_connection
A parent script sets a switch port to the desired VLAN on my ICX (well, associates the interface with the correct VLAN), then executes all the tests sequentially recording the results in industry-standard Junit format.

# script is called with ${vlan} as a parameter

# load and cycle through all test scripts in tests folder

testsuitestart=$(date +%s%N)
for testfile in tests/*.test ; do
   testname=$(basename "$testfile")
   echo -n "<testcase id=\"net.basic.$testfile\" name=\"VLAN${vlan} $testname\" " >> $tmpfile
   teststart=$(date +%s%N)
   if source "./$testfile" ; then
     echo "time=\"$(timespent $teststart $(date +%s%N))\"> " >>$tmpfile
     echo "time=\"$(timespent $teststart $(date +%s%N))\"> " >>$tmpfile
     echo "<failure message=\"$testfile: No connectivity.\" type=\"WARNING\"> $testfile: No connectivity." >> $tmpfile
     source "./$testfile" debug >> $tmpfile 2>&1
     echo "</failure>" >> $tmpfile
   echo "</testcase>" >> $tmpfile

# Printing results for testsuite into resultsfile
printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n  <testsuites id=\"20240120_vlan\" name=\"VLAN Net Connectivity\" tests=\"$tests\" failures=\"$failures\" time=\"$(timespent $testsuitestart $(date +%s%N))\">\n" > $resultsfile
printf "    <testsuite id=\"${vlan}\" name=\"VLAN${vlan}\" tests=\"$tests\" failures=\"$failures\" time=\"$(timespent $testsuitestart $(date +%s%N))\">" >> $resultsfile
cat $tmpfile >> $resultsfile
echo "    </testsuite>" >> $resultsfile
echo "  </testsuites>" >> $resultsfile
GitLab calls the parent script as part of project pipeline, finds the generated test results and makes them available:
Screenshot from 2024-01-25 16-16-23.png

Click on Job name to review details for all tests:
Screenshot from 2024-01-25 16-17-23.png

Debug details in case of failure:
Screenshot from 2024-01-25 16-17-47.png
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Apr 18, 2023
I manage a somewhat suped-up home network, full of enthusiasm, but otherwise very not professional. It has multiple VLANs (say, one for untrustworthy IoT devices, one for management e.g. to prevent the kids hacking into firewall for circumventing their time limit, one for trusted family use). I like my privacy and deploy a bunch of (micro-)services that provide modern creature comforts without having to rely on cloud; e.g. pihole dns, file share, jellyfin, gitlab, etc. I want some services accessible from all vlans (dns, ntp, etc.), but make others only available to specific VLANs.
Me too. "Full of enthusiasm, but not very professional".

The general idea is to use a test client connected to an interface on my ICX switch, submit all the tests and collect the results, then change the VLAN association on the ICX interface.
This seems excessively complex. Couldn't you tag all of your VLANs to a single port, and set up multiple interfaces on the probe computer? At that point, it seems like you're doing something similar to NAGIOS/Icinga with running the checks.

Instead of switching the VLAN on the untagged port and connecting from eth0, you have the script originate from eth0.200 which is a tagged connection.


Jul 27, 2021
Couldn't you tag all of your VLANs to a single port,
Hahaha. That's what I was thinking writing all of that down. "Full of enthusiasm, but not very professional" - at work. I obviously arrived at the current state after failing at the initial attempts.

it seems like you're doing something similar to NAGIOS/Icinga with running the checks.
Yes, in case of confirming connections are live. (I think) no, when validating that I test that an end point cannot be reached, and thus the ACLs/firewall rules work as intended - I am not aware of configuring Nagios/Icinga to do that. Also, I am not aware of Nagios/Icinga being configured to run on multiple VLANs, but then again I don't know much about those tools (mostly looking over some collegues' shoulders).


Active Member
Nov 27, 2016
Got my ICX 7250-48P delivered today.

Boy did I have fun! I didn't think to notice that despite having 6450's that the 7250 would have a different format for the console port.
So I had to look up what to do about that and found some many years old posts and scrouge my house to come up with something.

I think what I created is going to be the easiest solution if anyone needs this as a reference.

I had an RJ45 breakout that I used for other projects:

And I found a sacrificial mini USB cable.

Once stripped you have Red for Voltage, Black for Ground and the two data wires.

The RJ45 pins in order 1-8 would be

Pin 1 Not Used
Pin 2 Not Used
Pin 3 is Green (USB Data -)
Pin 4 is Black (USB ground)
Pin 5 Not Used
Pin 6 is White (USB Data +)
Pin 7 Not Used
Pin 8 Not Used

20240126_214456.jpg 20240126_214442.jpg

Then just plug in your regular Cisco RJ45 console cable into the breakout and your good to go.

So its all up and running now, its actually a lot louder than my ICX 6450, I did fan mod some of them, but I do not think I did a fan mod on the one I am running that I expected this switch to match in noise level.

I have not yet found a command to control fan speed, but I see there is fan speed (auto) in show chassis.
So I assume I can maybe slow down the default fans?

Fan 1 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan 2 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan 3 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2

Fan controlled temperature:
        Rule 1/2 (MGMT THERMAL PLANE): 62.9 deg-C
        Rule 2/2 (AIR OUTLET NEAR PSU): 24.5 deg-C

Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
        Rule 1/2 (MGMT THERMAL PLANE):
                Speed 1: NM<-----> 95       deg-C
                Speed 2:        85<----->105 deg-C (shutdown)
        Rule 2/2 (AIR OUTLET NEAR PSU):
                Speed 1: NM<-----> 41       deg-C
                Speed 2:        34<----->105 deg-C (shutdown)
dm fan-speed shows me
Fan 1 Speed at 6958 RPM
Fan 2 Speed at 6887 RPM
Fan 3 Speed at 7031 RPM

If I cant slow them down, what is the current best drop in fan to reduce the noise, but still keep it cool enough to handle those pretty hot RJ45 SFPs?

Might answer my own question.
Found the product demo video:

Unless new firmware has changed things, the fans speed cant be altered, nor the temp thresholds.

As for what fan to use, the Delta FFB0412HHN-F00 seems like a good replacement.
Has 3 pins, about 13CFM and it's quieter but should keep things cool enough to not be a concern.

Still open for suggjestions though.

Also found my ferrule tool and cleaned up my console cable lol, the works done but now it can hold up for next time.

423555660_7785498611464264_6375105523796773089_n.jpg 422954725_7785524648128327_2252012035272564732_n.jpg
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New Member
Oct 6, 2023
Got my ICX 7250-48P delivered today.

Boy did I have fun! I didn't think to notice that despite having 6450's that the 7250 would have a different format for the console port.
So I had to look up what to do about that and found some many years old posts and scrouge my house to come up with something.

I think what I created is going to be the easiest solution if anyone needs this as a reference.

I had an RJ45 breakout that I used for other projects:

And I found a sacrificial mini USB cable.

Once stripped you have Red for Voltage, Black for Ground and the two data wires.

The RJ45 pins in order 1-8 would be

Pin 1 Not Used
Pin 2 Not Used
Pin 3 is Green (USB Data -)
Pin 4 is Black (USB ground)
Pin 5 Not Used
Pin 6 is White (USB Data +)
Pin 7 Not Used
Pin 8 Not Used

View attachment 34040 View attachment 34041

Then just plug in your regular Cisco RJ45 console cable into the breakout and your good to go.

So its all up and running now, its actually a lot louder than my ICX 6450, I did fan mod some of them, but I do not think I did a fan mod on the one I am running that I expected this switch to match in noise level.

I have not yet found a command to control fan speed, but I see there is fan speed (auto) in show chassis.
So I assume I can maybe slow down the default fans?

Fan 1 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan 2 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan 3 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2

Fan controlled temperature:
        Rule 1/2 (MGMT THERMAL PLANE): 62.9 deg-C
        Rule 2/2 (AIR OUTLET NEAR PSU): 24.5 deg-C

Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
        Rule 1/2 (MGMT THERMAL PLANE):
                Speed 1: NM<-----> 95       deg-C
                Speed 2:        85<----->105 deg-C (shutdown)
        Rule 2/2 (AIR OUTLET NEAR PSU):
                Speed 1: NM<-----> 41       deg-C
                Speed 2:        34<----->105 deg-C (shutdown)
dm fan-speed shows me
Fan 1 Speed at 6958 RPM
Fan 2 Speed at 6887 RPM
Fan 3 Speed at 7031 RPM

If I cant slow them down, what is the current best drop in fan to reduce the noise, but still keep it cool enough to handle those pretty hot RJ45 SFPs?

Might answer my own question.
Found the product demo video:

Unless new firmware has changed things, the fans speed cant be altered, nor the temp thresholds.

As for what fan to use, the Delta FFB0412HHN-F00 seems like a good replacement.
Has 3 pins, about 13CFM and it's quieter but should keep things cool enough to not be a concern.

Still open for suggjestions though.

Also found my ferrule tool and cleaned up my console cable lol, the works done but now it can hold up for next time.

View attachment 34042 View attachment 34043
I went with RoachedCoach's mod and that worked for me, swap out three fans (got them from digikey) and add another on top of one of the heatsinks: https://forums.servethehome.com/ind...be-40gbe-switching.21107/page-159#post-256375
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New Member
Jan 27, 2024
To anyone still willing to help with these switch's i have a question. Is there something in the creation of a vlan that would stop routing from one port to another within the same vlan also within the same device? Any help would be appreciated. If you read some of the stuff below, please keep in mind this is a small portion of what i have tried. So far i have burned an entire weekend on this and gotten no where. Please let me know if there is anything i can do to help information wise.

The long story if it helps. I have been trying to get anything to work on the ICX6610 for about 2 days now. The only portion of the switch that seems to work is the default vlan. I have 4 10gb NICs feeding into the 1/3/1-1/3/4 10gb ports on the front of the Brocade. I setup a vlan on ve 10 with ports 1/3/1-1/3/8 included in the vlan i have also set the MTU to 9000 as all of my devices are set to 9000 from the previous setup. Right now all of these ports are untagged. I would like to be able to move files from one device to another within the vlan itself but i cannot get any 2 devices to recognize one another. I am really not sure what i am doing incorrectly as it feels like i have exhausted my options. Below are a few of my attempted configurations. If i can get some help with this i can try to figure out the rest on my own. I thought just isolating the 10gb devices would be the easy part. I wanted my external router to hand out static IP via MAC address on 3 vlans. my plan was to "trunk" the one feed from the router/DHCP server. But i think i must be an idiot, as stated before i can only get DHCP to work on the default vlan. No PC can ping the server or any other PC, but i can get a ping response from the 6610 and the router from the default vlan only.

ve 10, MTU 9000, all ports tagged, ip
ve 10, MTU 9000, all ports untagged, ip
ve 10, MTU 9000, all ports tagged, no IP
ve 10, MTU 9000, all ports untagged, no IP



Apr 18, 2023
You have a line "ip route". I believe this line says "send all traffic for to IP, which is circular. How does it find

I'd want to step back a few steps and identify where the problem first starts. Clear the config, statically assign addresses to devices on these ports and communicate with each other within the default VLAN. Then, add only your "vlan 10" statement with "untagged ethernet 1/3/1 to 1/3/8". Don't assign a router-interface yet, and don't make them jumbo frames. Can they still ping each other?

Next, assign VE 10 to VLAN 10 and give it the address (, but *don't* give the "ip route" statement. I'm not understanding what you ever meant to do with it. But by assigning to the VE 10, the router will add a route for that interface automatically.

If you want the external device to do DHCP on VLAN 10 when it isn't on VLAN 10, you need "ip helper-address <IP-of-DHCP-server>" in the VE 10 configuration. Compare my VLAN 101/VE 101 configuration (IPv6 included to prompt later discussion). The DHCP server is at, the VLAN is
interface ve 101
 ip address
 ip helper-address 1
 ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local
 ipv6 address 2001:db8::/64 eui-64
 ipv6 dhcp-relay destination 2001:db8:0:1::10
 ipv6 nd other-config-flag
 ipv6 nd ra-hop-limit 255


Active Member
Nov 27, 2016
I went with RoachedCoach's mod and that worked for me, swap out three fans (got them from digikey) and add another on top of one of the heatsinks: https://forums.servethehome.com/ind...be-40gbe-switching.21107/page-159#post-256375
Fans on order.

Got my WBE660S up today using 10gb RJ45 to the SFP's and had some network issues after a while, I think it was the SFP getting too hot it was like burn you hand hot to the touch.

I may have to just get a native RJ45 multi-gig switch for my new setup needs afterall if that heat was the issue.
Plus while mentioned in this thread the 2.5/5gb connection speeds appear to work they may not work right. I have not been able to create an issue or verify an issue, but if that is the case that is another reason as well.

Still was a fun project none the less and I can always replace my ICX 6450 I am currently running with the 7250 for the sake of it.


New Member
Jan 27, 2024
You have a line "ip route". I believe this line says "send all traffic for to IP, which is circular. How does it find

I'd want to step back a few steps and identify where the problem first starts. Clear the config, statically assign addresses to devices on these ports and communicate with each other within the default VLAN. Then, add only your "vlan 10" statement with "untagged ethernet 1/3/1 to 1/3/8". Don't assign a router-interface yet, and don't make them jumbo frames. Can they still ping each other?

Next, assign VE 10 to VLAN 10 and give it the address (, but *don't* give the "ip route" statement. I'm not understanding what you ever meant to do with it. But by assigning to the VE 10, the router will add a route for that interface automatically.

If you want the external device to do DHCP on VLAN 10 when it isn't on VLAN 10, you need "ip helper-address <IP-of-DHCP-server>" in the VE 10 configuration. Compare my VLAN 101/VE 101 configuration (IPv6 included to prompt later discussion). The DHCP server is at, the VLAN is
interface ve 101
ip address
ip helper-address 1
ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local
ipv6 address 2001:db8::/64 eui-64
ipv6 dhcp-relay destination 2001:db8:0:1::10
ipv6 nd other-config-flag
ipv6 nd ra-hop-limit 255
Wow i was making that 100X harder then it had to be. I have it working and connecting at MTU 1500. i have a couple other questions. Would re-enabling jumbo frames all around mess this configuration up? If i want to setup a helper for 2 other vlans, would i need to have those IP on the same IP subnet as the PFsense box so PFsense knows where to hand packets? I am going to go do some research on this.

Thank you for the help on this.
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Bringing 100G switches to homelabs
Aug 17, 2020
Just got an ICX7750-48F, which seems to be dead as a brick (there's some initial console output, aka bootloader version + SVR: 0x82100120, PVR: 0x80230032, but then just silence)

Any idea what this could be? I'd guess memory issue maybe?

If you power cycle the switch, there are two different bootloader versions. Neither of them works.

Does anyone have a spare XW1648E8GMNE-AO DIMM (8GB DDR3 SODIMM Registered(!))?
If FedEx doesn't mess up, my 2x 8GB DDR3-1866 SO-RDIMM / SO-DIMM REG RDIMM ECC should be here tomorrow.

Let's see whether we can revive the ICX7750...
In fact, I could! Got it up and running.

Shoutout to choopa.com for not clearing their legacy configs :)
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Bringing 100G switches to homelabs
Aug 17, 2020
username super nopassword sh: can't create /proc/softlockup/cancel: nonexistent directory

stack: 133c39b0 1123f650 112b530c 1146273c 114640fc 1146517c 11463f34 1146517c 11463f34 113689a8 102eaac8 102e18b8 113d8aa4 106cd764 113d9cac 10035078 13388020 133d300c 
Tuning CFS scheduler parameters...
Compressing Console file
Copying fitrace errorlog file to flash
CORE_PATTERN:PID=1153 UID=0 GID=0 sig=11 
Tue Aug 8 23:25:35 UTC 2023: Dumping core file to /tmp.gz, this will take couple of minutes ...
Oh come on


Apr 18, 2023
Would re-enabling jumbo frames all around mess this configuration up?
I dunno. I haven't done anything with jumbo frames. Fohdeesha is sour on them, and I don't know any better.

If i want to setup a helper for 2 other vlans, would i need to have those IP on the same IP subnet as the PFsense box so PFsense knows where to hand packets?
No. In fact, if they *are* on the same IP subnet, they ought to be on the same L2 segment (in ethernet, anyway) and therefore wouldn't need ip helper at all! The way IP Helper works is that the router labels the forwarded DHCP request with the IP where it came from, which has to be known to the DHCP server. So let me find another code snippet for explanation... ISC-Kea-Server

"subnet4": [
        "id": 101,
        "pools": [
            "pool": " -"
        "subnet": ""
        "id": 102
        "pools": [
            "pool": " -"
        "subnet": ""
So when this DHCP server on receives a packet labeled with (My ICX6450 on VLAN 101), it finds the first pool, but from (My ICX6450 on VLAN 102), it serves from the second pool.
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New Member
Jun 8, 2023
Having a weird issue. Not sure if it belongs here or in the Ruckus AP thread, as I'm trying to narrow down what's causing it. I've crossposted to both threads, but if that's not allowed please let me know and I'll remove one.

Recently took an ICX7450-48P out of service in my homelab, replacing it with an ICX7650-48ZP. I have a bunch of CAT6A drops, run a 10G LAN and have 1.5Gb WAN access, so thought it was a worthwhile upgrade for multi gig and the extra PoE++ ports.

Except now my Ruckus WiFi is spotty, drops clients consistently, and slows to a crawl ~1-5Mb/sec after about an hour. A reboot of the switch and the access points will temporarily solve the issue for an hour, then it happens again. Ports are reporting correct speed on the switch. Don't have the issue on hardwired connections, only wireless. Phones, tablets, my iMac and work laptop are all affected.

Switch is nowhere near capacity and doesn't exceed 1% usage. I wrote down the settings, compared everything between switches and took screenshots of the GUI in the 7450 before decommissioning. Copied everything over so my VLANs, port tagging, L3 and whatnot should all be correct. Factory reset the 7650 and followed the setup guide here, it's running the latest 10.0.10b firmware so I can see it in Unleashed.

All my Unleashed APs are on 200.14. I changed exactly zero settings in Unleashed, nothing besides the switch. I have a R850 as Primary Master on the main floor, an R750 as Secondary Master in the basement, an H510 that I'm using just for switching ports, a T710 for the front of the property and a T310d for the rear. No mesh, all wired backhaul and its worked flawlessly for a year with no issues. I know this is very much overkill, but it's a 4000sqft bungalow built with ICF that has concrete walls and floors, plus an acreage property so I made sure to have coverage anywhere.

Run about ~50 devices, mostly IoT, all segregated on a separate VLAN as mentioned. I don't really know where to start. The only thing that changed was the switch, but its only wireless clients that are affected, which makes me think its an AP issue?

Any thoughts or suggestions are most appreciated. Thanks.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2023
I´ve purchased a ICX6610-48P-I but the seller is a bit ambigious in the article description, so if it happens: How can I upgrade the NIC to 10G SFP+?

Quick google search returned nothing in terms of hardware to buy so I was thinking it´s just a licensing problem which fohdeesha provided a tutorial for.