I am seeing some really weird behavior when using two Mellanox MCX4131A-GCAT ConnectX-4 adapters connected to my Brocade ICX6610.
100% Reproducible behavior
Edit: After swapping back to using both of the ConnectX-4 adapters this is no longer an issue....really weird.
100% Reproducible behavior
- When using ConnectX-4 adapters plugged into both QSFP+ ports (1/2/1 and 1/2/6) the ConnectX-4 adapters exhibit a massive amount of packet loss.
- When one QSFP+ port is disabled then the adapter plugged into the other port no longer experiences packet loss.
- When using a Mellanox MCX313A-BCBT ConnectX-3 in one port and a Mellanox MCX4131A-GCAT ConnectX-4 in the other port there are no issues with packet loss.
Edit: After swapping back to using both of the ConnectX-4 adapters this is no longer an issue....really weird.
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