The use case is storing a buffer of all frames from a bunch of cameras that infeed into a vision system in a factory so we can scrub through the data if we want, it uses about 1-2tb per 24h of run time.I keep on wondering what your exact use case is. We're talking about an awful lot of money, just for the memory sticks. Depending on the OS and software there might be better options. If you don't need ultra high write IOPS maybe you could get away with some 1.6TB to 2TB x8 high endurance HHHL cards in a Raid0 setup? Anyway, as @zack$ wrote, maybe Optane persistent memory might be worth a look?
THIS will be the "cheapest" option, and by cheapest I mean the chassis\cpu will be "cheap". The rAM will be expensive no matter what... but 96 x 32GB DDR3 is much cheaper than DDR4, and the performance difference probably isn't relevant for this task.Look at Xeon E7 v2 - v4 series, they support up to 96 DIMMs (24 per CPU), DDR3 or DDR4 depending on the memory boards you get.
Up to 6TB for DDR3 or 12TB for DDR4.