Due a customer/my request, OmniOS added minIO client and server and rclone
to the extra repo Package Catalog
MinIO | Enterprise Grade, High Performance Object Storage
MinIO | MinIO Client Quickstart Guide
MinIO | The MinIO Quickstart Guide
MinIO Enjoying Role in Emerging Cloud Architecture
As backup/sharing client you can use
- your browser, via webclient and http://ip::9000, part of minIO
- rclone see rclone - rsync for cloud storage
- Duplicati, a Windows, OSX, Linux backup application , see Duplicati
- Veeam, see Adding S3 Compatible Object Storage - Veeam Backup Guide for vSphere
- Other sync tools (google: s3 sync tools) ex
5 Best Amazon S3 User interface tools | GUIs for Amazon simple storage
Install minIO (current OmniOS)
Start minIO manually
If you want to modify accessdata:
This requires to export old and new values ex:
Start options of miniIO
Windows and TLS
see Windows service + minio with ssl error
Optional: start minIO in distributed/ clustered mode
to the extra repo Package Catalog
MinIO | Enterprise Grade, High Performance Object Storage
MinIO | MinIO Client Quickstart Guide
MinIO | The MinIO Quickstart Guide
MinIO Enjoying Role in Emerging Cloud Architecture
As backup/sharing client you can use
- your browser, via webclient and http://ip::9000, part of minIO
- rclone see rclone - rsync for cloud storage
- Duplicati, a Windows, OSX, Linux backup application , see Duplicati
- Veeam, see Adding S3 Compatible Object Storage - Veeam Backup Guide for vSphere
- Other sync tools (google: s3 sync tools) ex
5 Best Amazon S3 User interface tools | GUIs for Amazon simple storage
Install minIO (current OmniOS)
pkg set-publisher -g https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151032/extra extra.omnios
pkg install minio
pkg install minio-mc
pkg install rclone
#optionally enable minio as a service
# (I prefer a manual start with options, you can start multiple instances with a different port)
svcadm enable minio
# service manifest, see /lib/svc/manifest/application/application-minio.xml
Start minIO manually
#Create datadir ex /s3/data and configdir /s3/config
#Start minIO (credidentials must be set via export)
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio;
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio1234;
/opt/ooce/minio/bin/minio server /s3/data --config-dir /s3/config;
#Start Browser ex Google Crome to view, delete, upload, download data via browser
enter the above credidentials (ex minio and minio1234)
If you want to modify accessdata:
This requires to export old and new values ex:
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=mini2;
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio134;
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD=minio;
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD=minio133;
/opt/ooce/minio/bin/minio server /s3/data --config-dir /s3/config;
Start options of miniIO
server start object storage server
gateway start object storage gateway
--config-dir value, -C value [DEPRECATED] path to legacy configuration directory (default: "/root/.minio")
--address value bind to a specific ADDRESS:PORT, ADDRESS can be an IP or hostname (default: ":9000")
--certs-dir value, -S value path to certs directory (default: "/root/.minio/certs")
--quiet disable startup information
--anonymous hide sensitive information from logging
--json output server logs and startup information in json format
--compat enable strict S3 compatibility by turning off certain performance optimizations
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Windows and TLS
see Windows service + minio with ssl error
Optional: start minIO in distributed/ clustered mode
output from: ./minio server
1. Start minio server on "/home/shared" directory.
$ minio server /home/shared
2. Start distributed minio server on an 32 node setup with 32 drives each, run following command on all the nodes
$ export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio
$ export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=miniostorage
$ minio server http://node{1...32}.example.com/mnt/export/{1...32}
3. Start distributed minio server in an expanded setup, run the following command on all the nodes
$ export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio
$ export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=miniostorage
$ minio server http://node{1...16}.example.com/mnt/export/{1...32} \
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