
  1. D

    [WTB][US-OH] A rack server with an SAS HBA or RAID controller and honestly any other random homelab stuff you're looking to sell.

    I'm starting from scratch and seeing what I can build in my basement. Hopefully a full cabinet someday. Both Local transactions and shipping would work. Shoot me a message with what you have and price(s). Doesn't have to be high-end but obviously I'd pay more for that. I've wanted for years to...
  2. bryan_v

    [SOLD][CAN/US]3x APU4D2 pfsense router appliances

    UPDATE: ALL SOLD Selling my fully assembled 3x APU4D2 pfsense/router appliances from PCEngines, originally supposed to be part of an office deployment that never happened. Top line specs are: 1 GHz quad core AMD GX-412TC CPU 4x Gigabit Ethernet i211AT LAN 2 GB DDR3-1333 DRAM 16GB mSATA SSD...