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    How to reformat HDD & SSD to 512B Sector Size

    have two of these just tried samsung dc toolkit - it doesn't see this disk while using --list option :(
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    How to reformat HDD & SSD to 512B Sector Size

    I have a NetApp's samsung pm1635a 1714 6.4tb sas ssd (MZILS6T4HMLS) Can't even read it capacity (seems due to firmware): ### smartctl --all /dev/sdb smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [x86_64-linux-5.4.0-90-generic] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke...
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    Supermicro Xeon D / FCBGA 1667 Heatsink information

    I want to share my experience with replacing stock x10sdv-8c passive cooler with noctua nh-d9l. i've used waterblock mount from aliexpress: you'll need...
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    I can't use fusion IO iodrive2 duo(have already solved)

    I have problem in past with some missing structures on these disks (my error is "no media format found"). If you lost this structures (for example - you have interrupted fio-format operation) - disk is no more usable. It can be recovered only by manufacturer, who doesn't want to make any help.
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    Changing block size IBM branded Micron S650DC-800 SSD here is latest iprutils can't recommend anything - you need to google IBM documentation for SAS adapters, compatible with yours drives
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    Changing block size IBM branded Micron S650DC-800 SSD

    this is single documented (by IBM) way to change block size in their drives i don't know will it work on non-IBM computer with IBM-branded SAS adapter
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    Changing block size IBM branded Micron S650DC-800 SSD

    you can try buying iprconfig-compatible sas controller (list of supported controllers you can find in source code) and then use iprconfig to convert them to jbod mode
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    Changing block size IBM branded Micron S650DC-800 SSD

    iprconfig changes sector size with simple MODE SELECT request, which can be issued with any controller. I can't find out why MODE SELECT not working when i specify non-528 value. May be some other request must be sent previously to move drive out of raid array. I've decided to return drives to...
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    Changing block size IBM branded Micron S650DC-800 SSD

    i don't have ibm branded sas adapter i wasn't able to change sector size using LSI HBA and some code ported from iprconfig utility. according to IBM documentation when you are formatting SSD for JBOD, iprconfig will change sector size to 512/4096 bytes. iprconfig works with linux (it's open...
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    Changing block size IBM branded Micron S650DC-800 SSD

    Sector size must be changed on this drives with iprconfig utility (which is open source). When IBM drive are in IBM proprietary raid array - it have sector size 528 bytes. When it converted to JBOD mode - it must change sector size to 512 bytes. iprconfig works only with IBM branded SAS...
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    X10SDV-4C-7TP4F Post Code 00

    I have such situation today. Solved by replacing memory modules (i've installed LR-DIMM modules, which isn't supported by supermicro xeon-d motherboards) - have installed Registered DIMM module instead, now system boots fine.
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    2TB HGST s840 enterprise SAS SED SSD

    I've got LSI 9361-8I controller, connected these drives to it. Upgraded firmware with hdm successfully. Now i trying to format it with sdmcmd64, but it tells me: sdmcmd64 ScanLocal Results for ScanLocal operationResult = Success devices.count = 1...
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    2TB HGST s840 enterprise SAS SED SSD

    what model of SAS controller have you used to update firmware? i'm trying with areca 1882, but hdm reports that operation unsupported. UPDATE: answer to my question: only LSI 92xx, LSI 93xx, ATTO SAS controllers are supported by hdm.