My thoughts on the new theme: so far, I haven't found anything I particularly like about it. And I would prefer the old theme.
Shrug that off as "uggh, me no like change, me want keep old stuff".
The theme looks like it was optimized for mobile devices with tiny screens. Fair enough, if the vast majority of users come to this site using their phones. What's the breakdown between mobile and PC users? And despite looking like the feedback forum for a shitty mobile phone brand, there is just sooo much wasted space.
And what's with all those colors? Apart from being a general eye-sore, I don't find a plethora of seemingly random colored items scrambled across the screen helpful for finding anything.
And last not least: bold font for threads with messages I haven't seen yet, regular font for threads with no new posts. That's how it always has been in pretty much every forum. Because it works great.
Rant over, I will now return to my tribe and tell them why this newfangled "fire" invention won't catch on.