Official AMD EPYC 7B12 100-000000020 64 Core 2.25-3.30GHz Server Processor | eBay
100-000000020 4094 (SP3r1) SSP-B0 Epyc 7B12 64C / 128T 256 MB 2.25 GHz / 3.30 GHz 240W. Best fit: Web applications, databases, workloads, and video streaming.
Transaction to be conducted on eBay. Price is $3,500 per. The item location is in Florida. You can also transact using PayPal I can send you a business invoice. Tested on a SuperMicro H11DSI Motherboard Rev 2.
Rare Epyc 7B12 CPUs PSB Unlocked.
Designed FOR N2D Machine Types
N2D machine types are the largest general-purpose machine type with up to 224 vCPUs and 896 GB of memory. These VMs are designed to provide you with the same features as N2 VMs. Best fit: Web applications, databases, workloads, and video streaming.
Benefit feature
Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) as seen on Google’s Confidential VMs and Confidential GKE Nodes enable AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization to help deliver confidential computing for the cloud.
100-000000020 | 4094 (SP3r1) | SSP-B0 | Epyc 7B12 | 64C / 128T | 256 MB | 2.25 GHz / 3.30 GHz | 240W |
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