MB40201VX arrived today. Swapped it out and it's about the same noise level and feels about the same airflow as the stock fan. Overall it is a tad bit quieter since there was some sort of a bad bearing noise on the stock fan. However, the switch still isn't lowering the fan speed on boot. Just to make sure I put the original fan back in, booted it, and it also doesn't drop the fan speed on boot. The only way I can get the fan to slow down is with the dd set_pwrfan_low command. Is this correct, or is there something wrong with this switch?(MB40201VX same static pressure but 10+ CFM instead of 6.someting).
I think that you can solve your problems by choosing one of these.
Overall, I am happier with the MB40201VX. Today the room the switch is in got up to 90 F, which is about as hot as it ever gets (poor insulation, poor ventilation, and the sun sets on that side but I have to work with what I've got)
These were the max temp readings on the switch:
dd set_pwrfan_low
Fan ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
1 -> 2 @ 69 deg-C
1 <- 2 @ 64 deg-C
Sensor B Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 50.0 deg-C
Sensor A Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 62.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 66.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 76.0 deg-C
Fan ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2
Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
1 -> 2 @ 69 deg-C
1 <- 2 @ 64 deg-C
Sensor B Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 47.5 deg-C
Sensor A Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 57.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 66.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 76.0 deg-C
Thanks for the help!
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