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  1. D

    Proxmox cluster ssh not working between some nodes

    Hi! I ran into an odd issue where 3 proxmox nodes (out of a cluster of 11) cannot ssh to each other on the primary interface. On the secondary interface all works. All other nodes have no issue. When trying on the 3 nodes with issues, ssh gets stuck at this point (using verbose debugging) ...
  2. D

    Ceph performance/stability issues in Proxmox

    Thanks for the replies. So it turns out that some, but not all, of the SSDs were consumer without PLP, causing a rather unpredictable behavior. So the task will be to get that aligned so all are enterprise with PLP. As for the PERC controllers, yes they're kinda slow. That may be be the next...
  3. D

    Ceph performance/stability issues in Proxmox

    Hi! So I wonder if anyone here have an idea about the root cause of what I'm seeing lately with a 11-node proxmox cluster. It's running Proxmox 8.1.4 with Ceph Reef (8.2.1). Servers are Dell R730, 2 x 2630 CPUs and 128 GB or more RAM each. 9 of the 11 servers have 8 x 2 TB SATA drives...