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  1. R

    Oh please Please PLEASE love me Mellanox!!

    Bought two Mellanox SN2010 switches Summer last year and they are working wonderfully. Reached out to Mellanox at the time for a service contract so I get switch OS updates and called them, emailed them, then called them again, then emailed them, then ... well, you get the idea. So far I have...
  2. R

    Does a Mellanox SN2010 SFP28 port support 1GbE?

    Hello All, We are configuring our Mellanox SN2010 switches and need to configure one of the SFP28 ports for 1GbE to connect to the Internet circuit in our cabinet. I don't see on the Mellanox datasheet explicit support for 1GbE connection - only 10/25GbE. We purchased several of these...
  3. R

    SFP28 DAC cable vendor recommendations

    So all the shiny new toys have arrived - Mellanox switches and 25GbE network cards for our servers - now I need to order DACs. It was recommended by some very helpful folk on this forum that I purchase DACs (all connections are within a single cabinet) from, but this link only offers...
  4. R

    Does such a switch even exist?

    Hi there, I am looking for some impartial advice on new 25GbE SFP switches for our Data Center COLO upgrade. I am presently rehabilitating from sticker-shock after receiving quotes for Cisco equipment. :-0 Our new servers have 10GbE SFP+ ports and I understand that 25 GbE/SFP28 is backwardly...