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  1. J

    CWWK/Changwang AIO-T6 NAS

    What does the temperature look like inside for CPU and disks?
  2. J

    CWWK/Changwang AIO-T6 NAS

    How do you find it? Which model did you go for (CPU)? How come you didn't try TrueNas Scale? I would probably change fans to noctuas How crammed is the case ? How many disks have you added?
  3. J

    CWWK/Changwang AIO-T6 NAS

    has anyone bought the new design nas?
  4. J

    Topton Jasper Lake Quad i225V Mini PC Report

    okey, I dont use IDS and have no plan currently to use it.
  5. J

    Topton Jasper Lake Quad i225V Mini PC Report

    do you have any notes on the hardware offload bit?
  6. J

    Topton Jasper Lake Quad i225V Mini PC Report

    Just out of interest do you guys do PCI passthrough for NICs or do you use virtio when using proxmox + OPNsense combo?
  7. J

    CWWK/Topton/... Nxxx quad NIC router

    Is it me or is Topton super slow at dispatching things? I even paid extra for shipping, probably a mistake