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  1. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    I did some more research on this and using this command on my mac solved my issues: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ SigningRequired -bool FALSE more details from this site...I used the Client Side command as the issue I was having was when...
  2. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    I appreciate your help...Got slammed with work...I would like to figure this out! I'll look into how to do this soon
  3. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    Thanks for the response...I'll look into that....I know it's not CPU, it's an 18 core & 24 core and both bench fine, and I know it's not a disk cache issue because I've used several share drives that bench well over 250 MB/s and they all flat line at 250 MB/s...It only happens when on the...
  4. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    thank you for the response...Files attached...did client side from windows and mac My issue is that when I open the mac shared drives (one is about 500 MB/s read and one is over a GB/s read) on my windows machine and copy them to my Windows RAID which is capable of over GB/s it sticks at about...
  5. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    Hi all...I truly appreciate the help with this...I've exhausted what we have in this thread as far as windows goes...@acgua I set that setting and there was no change...I researched and found a couple other windows settings that I messed with and no change...I reboot both machines after I make a...
  6. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    Thank you for all of this! I have found something very interesting...I use this machine for renders and to store overflow storage on a RAID...When I do the renders the signal goes from windows through the mac back to it never touches a drive...So when I do the renders I see speeds...
  7. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    This is awesome! I never knew you could do this...One more thing since you're so knowledgeable...When I transfer files from my mac to my windows machine I'm seeing speeds at a constant, about, 245 ish over the 10 Gbe...The 7 drive RAID 5 has significantly higher read speeds than that and the...
  8. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    Hey there and thank you for the reply! I know the drive on the other machine cannot write as fast as it shows sometimes so I'm sure you're on the right track...Problem is that write cache is more a disk function that a 10 Gbe nic function correct? Any way to smooth that out on the nic side...
  9. J

    10 Gbe Issue between OSX and Windows

    I doubt the Os's have anything to do with it but I am connected between a mac and a windows directly with a 10 Gbe card...the issue is that when I copy large groups of files (1TB or so) it will run great and then every so often it will literally drop to 0 for 10 seconds or so and then begin...
  10. J

    Windows 11 and OSX 10gbe connection oddity

    Hi all, I have a mac and a windows 11 machine networked together via 10Gbe and when I open the drives on the mac and copy to and from I see good speeds sometimes reaching over 1GB/s...When I open a windows drive and a networked osx drive (same 2 drives) on the windows machine and transfer the...