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  1. R

    Mellanox IS5022 connected to RB5009UG+S+IN via Mellanox QSA

    Ah, lame. Thanks for the info.
  2. R

    Mellanox IS5022 connected to RB5009UG+S+IN via Mellanox QSA

    Has anyone had any success using a QSA ( with a IS5022 switch? I have a 10G SFP+ cable/module running between the two switches with no luck. The Mikrotik sees the SFP+ module, but auto negotiation fails, and so does manually setting...
  3. R

    ext4 on JBOD drives, but the file system keeps getting corrupted

    What if I mount the filesystem as read-only on both hosts, think I'll still get corruption?
  4. R

    ext4 on JBOD drives, but the file system keeps getting corrupted

    Maybe I"m misreading you, but I took "you can't share data," as meaning, that even with a cluster aware file system, it wouldn't be possible to share data. Its for a Chia JBOD setup, so just need to fill the drives up with data once, and then they are pretty much read only as the plots get...
  5. R

    ext4 on JBOD drives, but the file system keeps getting corrupted

    That doesn't seem right, you can't share data? I'm sharing data right now, and I think my corruption issue may be caused by Centos 7 and 8 file system differences. It seems like partitions created on the Centos 8 machine are incompatible with e2fsck and probably some other tools. I need to see...
  6. R

    ext4 on JBOD drives, but the file system keeps getting corrupted

    That is correct, I'm mounting the same filesystem on two different hosts at the same time. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to look into cluster filesystems, I'm not familiar with them.
  7. R

    ext4 on JBOD drives, but the file system keeps getting corrupted

    I have a DDN StorageScaler 8460 setup as a JBOD connected to two different bare metal hosts, one CentOS 7 and one CentOS 8. Each drive is LVM ext4 partitioned, but I noticed some drives were showing some input/output errors that were fixed with e2fsck. I'm wondering if I am causing these errors...