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  1. M

    2xE5-2670 / Intel S2600CP2J Natex Build Check (x-post from /r/homelab)

    I have these things in my 2 other RSV boxes, and it keeps my i7 2700k under 70 while being pegged on all cores transcoding for plex... the other box never runs much of a cpu load so it's got an easy job to do.
  2. M

    2xE5-2670 / Intel S2600CP2J Natex Build Check (x-post from /r/homelab)

    Welp, dumb of me I suppose, I ordered the noctua coolers after seeing them in another build with the same case only to learn the hard way there's several versions of the model I got... It's just BARELY too tall. (probably ~2mm too tall) The cover on the case fits on but is in contact with the...
  3. M

    2xE5-2670 / Intel S2600CP2J Natex Build Check (x-post from /r/homelab)

    yea, I think I heard somewhere that some folks didn't even mod the case, they just put plastic standoffs in the locations where there's no mounting holes to hold it up... I wonder about the difference in functionality regarding grounding and whatnot of mounting points... /parnoid haha
  4. M

    2xE5-2670 / Intel S2600CP2J Natex Build Check (x-post from /r/homelab)

    thanks! that sounds like a decent idle number considering what you've got powered up... I pulled the trigger and ordered the natex combo with 128GB of ram. Plan to purchase the case soon. I googled that mopbo, looks like it's EATX on SM's site, so wouldnt expect the need for mods on that...
  5. M

    2xE5-2670 / Intel S2600CP2J Natex Build Check (x-post from /r/homelab)

    @fractal- thanks for the response! and yea I think you make a real good point. do I need this much? probably not... as a matter of fact I should say definitely not. I guess I'm not well informed of a broad spectrum of options... I considered going the low power route and looking into an...
  6. M

    2xE5-2670 / Intel S2600CP2J Natex Build Check (x-post from /r/homelab)

    First time poster here, hope I'm doing this right. Found this forum through /r/homelab where I didn't get as much attention as I was hoping (Though some helpful folks did comment). Looking through older build threads on here with natex stuff, it looks like I'm not the first one to query both...