Recent content by thellamafarm

  1. T

    Homelab 2.5GB Networking / Firewall Segregation Advice Needed

    Yea so all the IP Cams/IoT are wifi based. So I could connect a router in AP mode to the NIC on proxmox eh? I do need these IP cams and Other IOT devices to still be able to get to the internet, I just dont want a comprimised iot device to be able to see my devices on network. I'm following most...
  2. T

    Homelab 2.5GB Networking / Firewall Segregation Advice Needed

    What about a actual router and a managed 2.5g switch? What options do I have there that are budget friendly? Could I run opnsense on a RPi4 and then use a managed switch for all vlans?
  3. T

    Homelab 2.5GB Networking / Firewall Segregation Advice Needed

    While I dont mind buying a mini PC, is the solution I want only possible with mini pc?
  4. T

    Homelab 2.5GB Networking / Firewall Segregation Advice Needed

    Hello, I am trying to introduce some more network segregation in my network, primarily around IOT devices, such as internet-connected IP cameras. Right now I have a proxmox server which I use to self-host some apps, run Truenas, and some docker and Kubernetes experimentation etc. One of my VMs...