RGL's latest activity

  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    Theoretically AOM-SXMV is not sensitive to signal issues, but PCIe signal loss is superimposed in the system. Most of the loss comes...
  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    This may due to different loss values of different PCIe slots on the motherboard, or oxidation of the contacts of the PCIe slot.
  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    LED[5,4,*,2] and [9,8,*,6] on with 3 and 7 off is normal. LED 2,6 are upstream and the rest are downstream. LED8 turning off means that...
  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    The LEDs next to the PLX are the PLX upstream and downstream LEDs. One PLX has one upstream port and three downstream ports. During...
  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    Yes, in theory you can use pcie riser cable + AOM-SXMV-PIO board, but due to multiple transfers, not all riser cables can work stably...
  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    Yes, AOM-SXMV and AOM-SXM2 requires two cables to support 4 sxm cards, so we do not sell them individually, the price is for two cables.
  • R
    RGL replied to the thread SXM2 over PCIe.
    The AOM-SXMV riser cable is now available on Taobao, and you can buy it through shopping agents such as Superbuy. Link...