Recent content by Howard2018

  1. H

    Cryptonote coins

    The RPC vulnerability wasn't from the fork from bytecoin, bytecoin has never had that vulnerability. You can search RockSteadys convo in discord and see his claims of being associated with GoonWaffe and the goonsquad. The BlockZero podcast says the same thing you just said, they are anonymous...
  2. H

    Cryptonote coins

    I don't know who those people are, are they associated with Goon Squad?
  3. H

    Cryptonote coins

    I joined STH just so I could shine a little light on TurtleCoin. The lead dev used to be very active on Discord. He gets high or drunk in the evenings and claims to be over 70. He said that he is part of the Goon Squad in a video game called Eve and that Goon Waffe the leader of the goon squad...