I'm attempting to add a single 256GB SSD drive as my server system and OS drive. I intend to install WSE 2019 with 4x1TB HDD's in RAID 0 in the existing 4 bay drive cage.
Two things I have noticed is that there is a spare unused SATA connector on the MB, but no available power cable. There is also a pre-existing SATA (Data & power) connection available from a redundant DVD ROM drive I no longer use.
I gather there might be an issue with using the DVD ROM SATA connectors on this machine, as it may have been calibrated to restrict the bandwidth to 1.5Gbs. Even though there are two bays with two power connectors. The box warns you that only one bay can be used.
Anyway I attempted to install the SSD drive using the SATA power and data cables from my DVD drive. This resulted in a rather worrying non ending beep and a flashing red LED on the front panel. This LED signifies the system is in a critical condition.
I thankfully managed to return the system to a healthy state after a few hours of removing the SSD and putting the DVD back in and finally having to re-seat all the memory on the MB.
The only option I can see is to use the SATA connection on the MB. But with no power cable this seems to be impossible. Any ideas, can this be done? Or am I dealing with proprietary redundancies that make it impossible.
Two things I have noticed is that there is a spare unused SATA connector on the MB, but no available power cable. There is also a pre-existing SATA (Data & power) connection available from a redundant DVD ROM drive I no longer use.
I gather there might be an issue with using the DVD ROM SATA connectors on this machine, as it may have been calibrated to restrict the bandwidth to 1.5Gbs. Even though there are two bays with two power connectors. The box warns you that only one bay can be used.
Anyway I attempted to install the SSD drive using the SATA power and data cables from my DVD drive. This resulted in a rather worrying non ending beep and a flashing red LED on the front panel. This LED signifies the system is in a critical condition.
I thankfully managed to return the system to a healthy state after a few hours of removing the SSD and putting the DVD back in and finally having to re-seat all the memory on the MB.
The only option I can see is to use the SATA connection on the MB. But with no power cable this seems to be impossible. Any ideas, can this be done? Or am I dealing with proprietary redundancies that make it impossible.