Oh well, then we will wait until the mania is over but I think people are already cooling off. Whoever would be in already got mostly in and probably some are waiting for the pooling.
I am mostly interested in for curiosity. I am using 2.5" 300GB 15K sas drives since they were dirt cheap. I bought 4 e5 2650 v4 and I had already some e5 2620v3 CPUs so put them in good use via onboard sas controllers. Luckily I had plenty of memory lying around so I parallelize the heck out of them.
For me plotting is over now so I am done with buying new gear. I am actually trying to sell my gear, hard drives and servers etc. I don't have so much but there is 1u server I am trying to offload and several of those 2.5" 300GB 15K sas drives.
Mania still seems to be in full swing -- network size is growing 10% daily which is almost 1EiB / day now. It was growing at under 500PB / day when the network size was half what it is now.
Anyone who has limited plotting capacity could very well be sitting on a metric ton of storage that they will be plotting for the next 1 - 2 months even if they don't buy any more storage from here on out.
In dollar terms, our plotting hardware is worth about as much as our farming hardware / drives, and our time to plot that space is roughly a month. Anyone who has put more money into storage than plotters will probably take longer than that to plot.
If anything, the rapid network size increase and general lack of cheap drives to buy, is going to make people want to plot the space they've got as quickly as possible to get a payoff for their space before the earnings drop too much.
So I think in the first place, plotting servers are going to be in high demand for maybe another month (assuming chia doesn't moon), and then you'll continue to see rapid space increases for maybe 2 - 3 months as people plot the space they've already bought / will buy over the next month.
I figure within 30 days it'll be obvious its a bad idea to buy more space and plotters for chia, but it'll be another 2 months after that before the network growth slows as people fill up the space they've already bought.