I took out one CPU from this board and the ram downclocked to 2133. I then turned off POR and set 2400mhz memory speed. Everything appears to be using 2400mhz. I am on linux so there is no proper way to check, for instance CPUZ, but all looks well.
The same menu allows speeds up to 3200. Can I buy 3200mhz memory and run it at correct timings? Can I overclock 2400 rated mem to 2666? I have a v4 broadwell xeon and I was under the assumption these won't overclock.
Before I go to the trouble of setting 2666 and possibly having to clear CMOS and/or recording all those bios settings, is this something that could work? I really need the memory bandwidth more than CPU speed.
So I tried the setting and it wouldn't go over 2400 as reported in bios. Will ram with faster timings work or just downclock?
The same menu allows speeds up to 3200. Can I buy 3200mhz memory and run it at correct timings? Can I overclock 2400 rated mem to 2666? I have a v4 broadwell xeon and I was under the assumption these won't overclock.
Before I go to the trouble of setting 2666 and possibly having to clear CMOS and/or recording all those bios settings, is this something that could work? I really need the memory bandwidth more than CPU speed.
So I tried the setting and it wouldn't go over 2400 as reported in bios. Will ram with faster timings work or just downclock?
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