I had a disk failure recently that required restoring 6TB over a few hundred thousand files from Crashplan SMB. Prior to this point, I'd just done some cursory testing with a handful of files to ensure I could do it at all, but didn't seriously test speeds.
So the restore starts and it's going 1 Mbps. First for a half-hour, then an hour. I start writing a nastygram to Crashplan support; being this terrible would defeat the purpose of the service if they won't ship seed drives.
But then it starts to tick upward. By the two hour mark, it's at 200 Mbps. At four hours, 500 Mbps. And for the latter half of the archive, it was maxing out my 1 Gbps connection. The entire restore didn't take much longer than 24 hours.
I don't claim the service is ideal in every way, but purely on speed and reliability: they get an A+. Just throwing this out as a counter to some of the more negative impressions I've seen.
So the restore starts and it's going 1 Mbps. First for a half-hour, then an hour. I start writing a nastygram to Crashplan support; being this terrible would defeat the purpose of the service if they won't ship seed drives.
But then it starts to tick upward. By the two hour mark, it's at 200 Mbps. At four hours, 500 Mbps. And for the latter half of the archive, it was maxing out my 1 Gbps connection. The entire restore didn't take much longer than 24 hours.
I don't claim the service is ideal in every way, but purely on speed and reliability: they get an A+. Just throwing this out as a counter to some of the more negative impressions I've seen.