sc846 and 12VHPWR

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New Member
Apr 11, 2019
I've got a Supermicro sc846 with, what I believe, a PDB-PT846-2824 and a couple of PWS-920P-SQ 920w. Currently I've got an RTX 3070 connected with an adapter to one of the 8pin cpu cables. Now I'm looking into my options fitting a 4000-series RTX gpu in this, probably a 4070. Is it even possible to power 12VHPWR, cpu and hard drives with my current PDB? How would I go about to do this and if it's not possible, what other options do I have?

Fallen Kell

Mar 10, 2020
Replace the PDB with pdb-pt747-4648 which has 4x 6+2 pin PCIE power connectors. You can then use the 3x 8pin adapters.

You have to remove the pdb-pt747-4648 from the metal housing it comes with and place it in the metal housing that is in your sc846, as the boards use the same mounting holes and size, but the metal housing is designed to connected to the 747 series chassis.

See this post where Supermicro support even confirmed:

Also double check your PSU are still compatible (I think they are, but worth double checking).

They were previously a fairly easy ebay find for around $80, but now I don't see them anywhere. Better to just get right from Supermicro at around $150 than off ebay it seems right now.
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New Member
Apr 11, 2019
Replace the PDB with pdb-pt747-4648 which has 4x 6+2 pin PCIE power connectors. You can then use the 3x 8pin adapters.

You have to remove the pdb-pt747-4648 from the metal housing it comes with and place it in the metal housing that is in your sc846, as the boards use the same mounting holes and size, but the metal housing is designed to connected to the 747 series chassis.

See this post where Supermicro support even confirmed:

Also double check your PSU are still compatible (I think they are, but worth double checking).

They were previously a fairly easy ebay find for around $80, but now I don't see them anywhere. Better to just get right from Supermicro at around $150 than off ebay it seems right now.
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Yes, this was the route I was planning to take but it turned out that Supermicro doesn't ship to EU and eBay prices are much higher than retail so it just wasn't worth it. But I will try to do this in the future if the option ever gets viable.

My temporary solution was instead to buy another Supermicro CBL-0424L, an 8 pin cpu to two 8 pin pcie connectors. So now I have 4 pcie connectors and power the cpu with an 4pin cpu connector instead since my cpu tdp is only 90w. I don't really like janky adaptors but since they're Supermicro originals my thought was that they should be more reliable than some no name brand off of amazon/ebay.