More progress. I was able to stumble on how to use the -o flags for genlicense. Gotta specify all the Ethernet things with those flags. And then ltrace on dumplicense with the output allows for a valid license output to be seen.
This process is incredibly convoluted so it's enough of a gatekeeper as it is. I reckon that was enough hints!
Then it took a while to find the page to switch the profile for the switch over to VPI. Once I did that, it did a reboot and then a much longer wait on the next boot, the serial console says stuff like:
I think I see the switch name also reverted back.
This process is incredibly convoluted so it's enough of a gatekeeper as it is. I reckon that was enough hints!
Then it took a while to find the page to switch the profile for the switch over to VPI. Once I did that, it did a reboot and then a much longer wait on the next boot, the serial console says stuff like:
System is initializing!
This may take a few minutes
Modules are being configured
1 module remains to be configured