PM1725a Availability or Comparible Unit?

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New Member
Jul 25, 2018

I bit the bullet and tried to order 2 HHHL PM1725a 3.2TB drives, specifically part # MZPLL3T2HMLS, for a bioinformatic computational server. We're looking for fast read/write with high endurance.

Unfortunately, everyone seems to be out of stock of the PM1725a. I know the 1725s have been out for a while, but I don't know about the 1725a and I don't know if Samsung is just not manufacturing them anymore or what. One of the vendors wants to replace my order with the new PM983, and another suggests SM963. Weirdly, a review for the PM1725a just came out this week

Samsung PM1725a SSD Review | - Storage Reviews

On pure specs, the PM1725 blows both the PM983 and the SM963 out of the water, but I can't find real-world comparisons. I am considering the Intel P4600 2 or 4 TB as a replacement.

Anyone have any input or suggestion on where we should be looking next? I'm in a bit of a time crunch.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2016
Intel P4608? Optane P4800x? Can you test your workload before buying, these things are expensive. Optane goes to 1.5TB now I think, it might be a big speed up if you could fit workload or stuff enough of them in server for space you need.


New Member
Jul 25, 2018
Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't heard of the 4608 - seems to just be a high capacity 4600? Optane would certainly be the fastest, but I think it's above my target ceiling in performance and price/performance.

Luckily I'm not looking to stuff a server full of them - my plan was to RAID0 two high capacity NVMe drives together. It would be great to be able to test first, but I don't have the luxury of time (or availability - do companies let consumers test drive a SSD?).

I am leaning towards the 2 TB or 4 TB P4600 OR I think I can find the 1.6 TB HHHL PM1725a in stock somewhere OR I have feelers out for the 2.5" version of the 3.2 TB PM1725a, but I am really itching for that AIC speed boost.