After seeing some early reviews of the DC P4800X it looks like it would be ideal for a ZFS ZIL, with the only caveat being the price. My understanding is that Intel is also releasing some 16/32GB drives in M.2 form which they are targeting as consumer cache drives with much more palatable prices. With ZFS ZILs not needing much capacity, would running these 16/32GB M.2 drives just as regular block storage (i.e. independent of Intel's RST '2.0') be possible on a C612 chipset? Or would it make more sense to just pick up a 100GB S3700 and not have to wait?
For context, I am planning on this being an addition to my current 12x 7200 4tTB HDDs, 800GB Intel 750 L2ARC and 64GB of RAM for VM datastore purposes.
For context, I am planning on this being an addition to my current 12x 7200 4tTB HDDs, 800GB Intel 750 L2ARC and 64GB of RAM for VM datastore purposes.