How to update the firmware for IBM SATA&SAS drives

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New Member
Mar 12, 2020

I've been googling this question for a few hours now...and just can't seem to find a straightforward answer. I have several IBM branded drives... I believe they're all Seagates...

ST3000NM0033 - SATA
ST4000NM0033 x 2 - SATA
ST6000NM0014 - SAS

All running on a Supermicro server.

Does anyone know how I can update the firmware of the HDDs? To me, I find the IBM support site convoluted. I would like to keep the drives upto date, well, I guess I am OCD like that. :) And also, if there are any critical updates that need to be applied, a method to do that.

Thanks for any help!