Some other findings...
The 111.22 firmware linked from Horaco for the "ZX-
Link oddly is named "HRRF_F11122_
GT-SWTXG8FM_0607_en.bix". Searching GT-SWTXG8FM leads to another oem rebrand aka Goodtop GT-SWTXG8FM. The product page shows an image of the internals if anyone is interested without having to open their unit.
Product Page
I've also discovered it might be possible to enable non default functionality such as SSH console (and possibly Https. etc..) not included/enabled by default in the GUI by editing and restoring the config backup file. Under Configuration / Manual Upgrade you can backup the current configuration. Suprisingly its a text file and human readable. One of the first few lines reads; System Description: KT-NOS which I'm assuming is the name of a common "OS" for these devices. Searching "KT-NOS" references a project "Linux support for Realtek switches" and shows detailed info about the Hasivo S1100WP-8GT_SE
Link which appears to share the same swtich chip.
If you look at the "running" config example there are many other defines which can't be set by the Horaco's menu such as enabling SSH. Inserting a newline "ip ssh" into the backup config file and restoring now allowed a SSH connection although complaining about Authentication Failed.
That said, not sure if it's SSH is actually working as it complains about authorization error even before asking for the login password, but before adding the define the swtich wouldn't even respond on SSH. It's now showing this...
Welcome to Layer 3 Managed Switch
Press <Enter> to continue...
[H[J% Authentication Failed
% Authentication Failed
Had to add -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa from windows just to get it to connect although I've just started messing with it and might try on my Linuix box.
Still no reply from Horaco for a fix for the Flow Control for versions after 111.20...