How'd you dump the flash, just used the _flashdump command to dump it to the serial terminal and then format it into a hex bin? If so and it sounds like it's not flashing right, I'd imagine something went wrong in the display > conversion process, it should indeed match the size "_ver" shows exactly
It turns out the "boot" section is a bit of a misnomer, it's just another flash slot like image 1 and 2, so it's better to think about it like image 0, image 1, image 2 - the really simple bootloader seemingly just chooses whichever has the largest version number and boots from that slot. So even if you flash my 1.01 to "boot" (slot 0), it'll just see the more recent version in image slot 1 and boot from that, so if you wanna downgrade you gotta flash the older image to all 3 slots
The bootloader is REALLY simple, seemingly only a command to display and modify raw memory (or maybe FPGA config registers, can't tell which):
help d [loc]
p loc value
DesignWare (TM)
Instead of running at 38400-8-N-1, the bootloader also runs at 38400-7-N-1, which I've never seen before - that's why you get garbled/weird ASCII over serial on boot, for a few lines the card is sending 38400-7-N-1 bootloader output to your 38400-8-N-1 terminal session
Also got bored and flashed the SC200 image to my MD1200, and it indeed had no issue and became an SC200 controller:
**** Surly Startup Complete (Based on vendor Phase 9 drop ****
12Pack.Slot0.101.0 >set_speed 10
12Pack.Slot0.101.1 >
Of course like I said earlier the backplanes are slightly different, so I'd imagine if I put actually drives in it, it would have odd behavior or not be able to see all the drives, being SC200 code talking to an MD1200 backplane. But I guess at least if you ever have an SC200 controller and need an MD1200 controller or vice versa, you can just flash them over to be whatever you need
If someone can get me a compellent / dell SCOS image from the last couple years it'll take like 20 seconds to pull out a clean SC200/SC220 v1.06 firmware image