VMware vSphere Hypervisor (free edition) is not continued
Most certainly they will, and soon. Sadly.And now officially marked as EOGA. Sad, as this is was how I got started on VMware.
I sure hope they don't go for VMUG next.
Proxmoxand not require a technical knowledge of Linux and so forth, and free
eh, no. xcp-ng is like running the “gateway drug” version of xenserver, which in itself is infected with multiple layers of Citrix-ness. i mean, Citrix can be “fun” if you are an admin or partner with a free license pool to play with (xenapp and xendesktop isn’t a bad idea per-se) , but you will very quickly discover that it’s just old Linux (XenServer 8.2 is xcp-ng 8.2 is kernel 4.16 with an old userland), and unless you plan to run a trading floor for a bank and need to run nearly-bullet-proof VDI? It’s just not fun on hobbyist (i.e retired enterprise or obsolete) hardware. you really want to lean towards proxmox here.xpc-ng or proxmox, both will do. Free, simple to install.
XCP-ng + Xen Orchestra for web based use/management of multiple hosts is one of the easiest/cleanest experiences I've had with a hypervisor - and handling 3-2-1 backups to offsite storage as well. The kernel you're talking about is just the dom0 management/advisory VM, xen itself is running on bare hardware, and the advisory VM (dom0) is not on bleeding edge kernels for a reason (it doesn't need to be, for starters). works great on any x86 hardware I've tried it oneh, no. xcp-ng is like running the “gateway drug” version of xenserver, which in itself is infected with multiple layers of Citrix-ness. i mean, Citrix can be “fun” if you are an admin or partner with a free license pool to play with (xenapp and xendesktop isn’t a bad idea per-se) , but you will very quickly discover that it’s just old Linux (XenServer 8.2 is xcp-ng 8.2 is kernel 4.16 with an old userland), and unless you plan to run a trading floor for a bank and need to run nearly-bullet-proof VDI? It’s just not fun on hobbyist (i.e retired enterprise or obsolete) hardware. you really want to lean towards proxmox here.