have you tried with other Retail V4 ?And there is something with the video card support, only a GT240 works with this, Gtx580 not working (the gtx580 and the nvme works with 2699v3 on this motherboard
have you tried with other Retail V4 ?And there is something with the video card support, only a GT240 works with this, Gtx580 not working (the gtx580 and the nvme works with 2699v3 on this motherboard
Nope, but my asrock x99 and z440 (both latest stock bios) have the same pcie lane issues with both aws cpus (asrock x99 pcie lane for nvme not working, only an old video card works at pcie 1.0, hp z440 only works on the first 1x slot that comes from the Pch)have you tried with other Retail V4 ?
I think it is something with pcie mmio, tsx, vmx or some addressing issues. Dont think that pcie lanes are killed because low end, old cards are working (short addresses?)looks here 1.0 too right ?
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anyway: it is eng.sample. QS but at OEMs you never know.
early haswell, was disabled 3 month after launch in microcode. don't know about any issues with broadwell and TSX.There was something with TXT(TSX) in that time (haswell and early broadwell cpus).
Interesting, but I don't think that would be the case. There is not any cpu in LGA2011 that crippled that way. They limited the ram freq, qpi links but not the pcie lanes.early haswell, was disabled 3 month after launch in microcode. don't know about any issues with broadwell and TSX.
my theory:
A: hey intel ,we want cheap 16 core !
I: with full features ? no go.
A: we don't need PCIe lanes, or just some with low speed.
I: ok we can do this. if they are end of usage, and flood the ebay market they are unusual for most LOL.
at supermicro x12 LGA4189 the microcodes are all there, but ICL ES stepping B0/C0 only run with unofficial BIOS 1.0@RolloZ170 do QVxx Ice Lakes boot on Tyan motherboards? Info on ICL ES seems sparse.
Based off of information from a server supplier, Q0KG is a 52C/104T, 350W, E0 stepping CPU.QY36 C2 X.XXGhz 105.0MB 56C 350W <- you need Debug BIOS. this stepping in not supported by Intel RC anymore.
Q0KG looks promising, Q0KS 2.0Ghz 36C 300W stepping E0, E0 currently supported by all stock BIOS (SM,Tyan, GB)
QYF? is D0
QY3? C2 is some chars earlier. the sequence is "0123456789ABCDEF...:"
must be modded BIOS because F01 does not include stepping C microcode.I can have for good price Intel Xeon Platinum 44cores LGA4677 QXP4. Seller wrote me that this processor is 100% working with motherboard Gigabyte MS33-AR0 with BIOS F01 and sended me this BIOS in zip file (server_mb_bios_MS33-AR0_F01.zip). Can be true that this CPU will on 100% works with this MB with this BIOS? And what if motherboard will have higher BIOS version can be easy downgraded to version F01?
Hi, thanks for the good advices. I haven't seen any QYF piece yet.must be modded BIOS because F01 does not include stepping C microcode.
yes you can downgrade to F01.
but i not recommend to buy the QXP4 with full of bugs. you can never update BIOS.
QYF? are cheap today and works on MS33 up to BIOS F17
check ebay for 8461 ES, 8461v ES, 8468 ES, 8468 ES, 8468v ESHi, thanks for the good advices. I haven't seen any QYF piece yet.![]()
Oh you are gold thanks.check ebay for 8461 ES, 8461v ES, 8468 ES, 8468 ES, 8468v ES
all 48 core
QYFQ 8468v ES2 (QAT accel.)
QYFP 8468v ES2 (no QAT accel.)
QYFU 8461V ES2 (UP)
yes, he sells MS73-HB1Only one strange thing is, that seller recommend mb MS73-HB1
As was explained by RolloZ170 (I had a very long enlightening discussion over pm with him) - Gigabyte LGA 4677 MBs do not restrict use of D0 stepping (like my supermicro does unfortunately)
SPR Q1xx are (mostly)E2/E3/S2 stepping QS or ES2 with prod.microcodehat's why QYF... are recommended from first ES/QS wave (since those are more towards QS spectrum, therefore aren't designed only for hardware but also for software compatibility developments) QV../QW../QX.. (not sure about Q1..)
yes, QQ89 is only TDP 165W / TDC 228A the microcode A0 50655 is thereAnybody know if 8260 ES (QQ89) is compatible with Dell T7920 workstations?
HP lacks A0 microcode in later BIOS.but I can only find sellers claiming QQ89 is compatible with Dell mobos. (Same goes for Lenovo/HP workstations)