Since the explosion of the C6100 cloud servers hitting EBay, there are now a few sellers doing them for US$899 with more or less the spec below (double check as spec and pricing is changing quite fast).
C6100 @ US$899 deals;
8x Intel L5520 Xeon processors.
24GB ram per node (96GB ram total)
4 nodes (inc tray and server board).
C6100 Chassis.
4x 3.5" drive trays.
Single redundant power supply (space for second one).
The two sellers below have confirmed you can arrange your own collection and shipping (great for overseas buyers with shipping accounts).
Current links.
Other deals are also available from various sellers supplying less ram, swapping the L5520 for L5420s or by offering only two nodes.
EBay search here.
C6100 @ US$899 deals;
8x Intel L5520 Xeon processors.
24GB ram per node (96GB ram total)
4 nodes (inc tray and server board).
C6100 Chassis.
4x 3.5" drive trays.
Single redundant power supply (space for second one).
The two sellers below have confirmed you can arrange your own collection and shipping (great for overseas buyers with shipping accounts).
Current links.
Other deals are also available from various sellers supplying less ram, swapping the L5520 for L5420s or by offering only two nodes.
EBay search here.