in my everlasting search for the holy grail (high performance on qd1t1 setups) I recently stumbled over Ceph again.
I then saw that there is a new release around the corner and started to look a bit closer and thought it might be promising
But before I start investing countless hours again in the next disappointing solution I thought I'd use the community wisdom to provide some initial answers.
So could somebody (potentially with an all nvme setup assuming thats the ultimate single user performance option) be so kind to provide me a Q1T1 CDM screenshot (and potentially briefly list the setup) ?
Thanks a mil.
in my everlasting search for the holy grail (high performance on qd1t1 setups) I recently stumbled over Ceph again.
I then saw that there is a new release around the corner and started to look a bit closer and thought it might be promising
But before I start investing countless hours again in the next disappointing solution I thought I'd use the community wisdom to provide some initial answers.
So could somebody (potentially with an all nvme setup assuming thats the ultimate single user performance option) be so kind to provide me a Q1T1 CDM screenshot (and potentially briefly list the setup) ?
Thanks a mil.