It shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes to fully boot the switch. Maybe open the chassis and see if it's dirty? Reinsert fans and PSUs. It almost behaves as if some storage is marginal and not bad enough to spew errors in the console.
@fohdeesha would be the best person to suggest commands in the boot loader to validate if there are any problems in the flash devices.
Here is the beginning from when I first got the switch
ICX Boot Code Version 10.1.00 (grz10100)
Enter 'a' to stop at memory test
Enter 'b' to stop at boot monitor
BOOT INFO: load monitor from boot flash, cksum = 71f1
BOOT INFO: verify flash files......
BOOT INFO: load image from primary copy...
platform type = 12
PCIE-1 LTSSM status: 22
PCIE Switch status: 0
Firmware integrity checksum passed
Starting Main Task .Applying factory defaults..
INFO: startup config data is not available, try to read from backup
INFO: startup config data in the backup area is not available
..CPSS DxCh Version: cpss3.4p1 release
Pre Parsing Config Data ...
INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup
INFO: empty config data in the backup area also
Parsing Config Data ...
INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup
INFO: empty config data in the backup area also
System initialization completed...console going online.
Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
UNIT 1: compiled on Jul 31 2015 at 02:52:14 labeled as FCXR08030b
(10436300 bytes) from Primary FCXR08030b.bin
SW: Version 08.0.30bT7f3
Boot-Monitor Image size = 370695, Version:10.1.00T7f5 (grz10100)
HW: Stackable ICX6610-48-HPOE
Here's the beginning after first reboot
ICX Boot Code Version 10.1.00 (grz10100)
Enter 'a' to stop at memory test
Enter 'b' to stop at boot monitor
BOOT INFO: load monitor from boot flash, cksum = 71f1
BOOT INFO: verify flash files.........
BOOT INFO: load image from primary copy...
platform type = 12
PCIE-1 LTSSM status: 22
PCIE Switch status: 0
Firmware integrity checksum passed
Starting Main Task ...CPSS DxCh Version: cpss3.4p1 release
Pre Parsing Config Data ...
Parsing Config Data ...
System initialization completed...console going online.
Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
UNIT 1: compiled on Jul 31 2015 at 02:52:14 labeled as FCXR08030b
(10436300 bytes) from Primary FCXR08030b.bin
SW: Version 08.0.30bT7f3
Boot-Monitor Image size = 370695, Version:10.1.00T7f5 (grz10100)
HW: Stackable ICX6610-48-HPOE