AMD Epyc NVME support

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Jeong Lee

New Member
Apr 15, 2019
Just purchased an an AMD Epyc server to set up as a NAS for a small company. It's the Supermicro A+ Server 2113S-WN24RT with 24 NVME drive bays. It uses the H11SSW-NT server board and wondered if anyone had any experience setting one up with OmniOS and Napp-it. Haven't had any luck so far with Omnios and although I was able to get Ubuntu server installed, networked and Napp-it loaded, none of the NVME drives show up in the web interface, just the SATA boot drives.


New Member
Jan 5, 2016
Depending on what brand/model of NVME drives you have and what version of OmniOS you have, you may need to disable version detection in /kernel/drv/nvme.conf for the drives to show up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
Current OmniOS does no longer do a version check.

What I can think of
- disable partition support (if enabled) as partitions are detected by the parted tool what may not support your NVMe
- initialise the NVMe ex with a basic filesystem like fat32 or ext3 (whole disk, single partition)

and retry


New Member
Jan 5, 2016
The 2113S-WN24RT rev1 is unfortunately a no go with every illumos based distro I tried (smartos, omnios, openindiana) - there are issues with the BIOS that prevent it from being able to boot and SM isn't doing any more updates for rev1. I hear from joyent folks on the omnios or illumos mailing list however that that the rev2 Rome compatible boards will work at least with smartos and presumably others if you get the settings in the bios just right - so if you order that machine, make sure it is a rev2 but even then your mileage may vary. We have had good luck with the Tyan TN70A-B8026 - they won't run omnios for some reason (same boot problems), but run openindiana fine. We have several of them loaded up with 8TB P4510s - no problems or downtime for about 6 months. The 2113S-WN24RT rev1 works well with Linux or Windows so ZoL might be an option if you aren't dead set on Solaris.

Jeong Lee

New Member
Apr 15, 2019
I have the same experience as BullCreek. Could not get any distribution of illumos to work with the Supermicro board, so we replaced it with a Tyan Transport SX TN70AB8026 (B8026T70AV2E24HR). Keep in mind that you can't use either of the two sata drives located in the back with an Epyc Rome CPU and we had to purchase 10Gb AIC as it only comes with Gig network connections.


New Member
Apr 16, 2020
thanks for the info BullCreek. I am a newbie, diving head first into this project. But I do have some time to set it up. Do you know anyone that has deployed this as a nas accessing the NVME ssds succesfully?