Troy Hunt: Get more awesome Pluralsight content than ever for zero dollars!
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This is a deal not worth missing.
Combine with books and other material. I had a PluralSight subscription for the past year. I was using it to study for my VCP. In my experience, their courses are good for an introduction to basic concepts on a subject, but you need to supplement with a lot of additional material to be prepared for a certification exam.Got in on it, thanks!
Anyone know if these courses are enough to prepare you for MCSE exams or should they be combined with books and other material?
You are awesome! I just signed up and it worked! This is why I check STH Great Deals everyday!Troy Hunt: Get more awesome Pluralsight content than ever for zero dollars!
This is a deal not worth missing.
I don't know about an RSS feed, but the Tapatalk app lets you subscribe to the forum. Ask me how I knowYou are awesome! I just signed up and it worked! This is why I check STH Great Deals everyday!
Is there RSS feed for "Great Deals" thread?