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  1. S

    Zswap vs Zram

    OverlayFS is a copyup CoW CopyOnwrite file system. So there is no need to copy anything at all on start. On any write OverlaysFS copies up to upper which is zram. With OverlayFS there are zero redundant files and the only memory use are files that are written to. Also the periodic rsync is...
  2. S

    Zswap vs Zram

    To be honest my scripts just started as a Ubuntu and Linux community please stop copying and emulating those original 3.14 scripts through exasperation. I just wish Armbian worked in a more free deb repo offering that what is a sort of locked in script foundation as generally what they produce...
  3. S

    Zswap vs Zram

    @arglebargle have to totally agree its totally mystifying how the ubuntu zram-conf script has been emulated and copied so many times whilst in many respects its broken. Google have it about right with 3:1 but the choice of alg is yours as Zstd garners much better compression for a higher cpu...