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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    Windows VM!!!!!!!! ohhh great news, can you share the rom file pls?
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    Guys FYI i bought this adapters, and from the front usb slots with them i power the 2 Noctua 120mm that i have one ontop and one on the bottom of the machine. There is 5v also ones if you want reduced speed.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    I dont think that this card has plx chip, i think it can get either a Sata or a NVME ssd... i dont think it can have both.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    What card exactly is it? is it HPE branded or anything? maybe you need to enter the card bios if is shown in boot to alter some settings. Also maybe in the bios the card is shown something.. have you checked everywhere?
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    I have the same card but the chipset is reaching almost 100c on this card. Once the 1 nvme and one m2 usb3 card that i have on it, dissapeared from proxmox and only a restart solved it. This is one of the reasons i took out the case of the MS-01 and i did install the MS-01 in a HTPC case and now...
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    Crossflash HPE 640sfp28 to MCX4121A-ACAT

    Thx, i will try to enable the SRVio which seems more difficult in mellanox cards than the intel cards that i am used to and if i got troubles i will flash the firmware.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    I don't know what DAC Cables he uses but i personally use the Ubiquiti ones since all my network gear is ubiquiti and they work fine. Ubiquiti 10 Gbps SFP+ Direct Attach Cable
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    FYI i bought usb3 nics with the RTL8156 chipset inside for my NUC's and they work full speed 2.5gbit on proxmox.
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    Crossflash HPE 640sfp28 to MCX4121A-ACAT

    Guys late in the party. I just bought this HPE card and i have it in my proxmox. Do i really need this crossflash? i know its a rhetorical question but the card is working fine so i don't really know what i miss... I tried it also with passthrough in a windows VM with latest Nvidia drivers and...
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    Did you found a solution? you tried taping the smbus pins?
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    It depends of the BW they can process which is not big... i personally have 5 wans 2 x 1gbit fibers from 2 different providers 3 x 5G NSA modems (a FWA710, a Huawei CPE Pro2 and a MU5001, that all will go soon to SA in Greece) connections that the 1st reaches normally 1+gbit the second at...
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    Its because i am Original Greek... i live in Athens :) Proxmox is not designed to be a general firewall.. this is what i know at least, its firewall abilities are for the proxmox itself and the colaboration between the VMs for security reasons, but underneath its linux... so someone could made...
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    I recently changed from esxi to proxmox with no problems what so ever. Google search is your friend as matter proxmox and settings of it, if you want something in specific and you dont find it ask. Yes you can multiboot, why not? As for proxmox to serve as firewall forget that, install pfsense...
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    In all my tests with the RX6400 i never went more than 150w overall. I have the whole house with Shelly Relays inside the sockets and in the PC i have a ShellyPlug Also in the bios i have the PL1, Pl2 and the other setting to 0.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    I have a Radeon RX6400 that is working fine in the machine. Also i did what describe in this post and i had tried a 1070ti and 4070 and both work fine in the machine with the egpu mod. I can succesfully passthrough any GFX card to my Proxmox Daily drive VM with windows 10.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    for example Samsung PM983 Samsung PM9A3
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    Did you tried with the latest firmware? its strange because GFX cards must be super compatible with the machine. Better send an email to support of minisforum with details of your problem and see what they will reply.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    17 isnt the current firmware that we have? maybe we they put it there so if we dont like something in the 22 to be able to downgrade?
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    I got a reply of them saying that "This is the most original version of BIOS, and nothing has been modified." if that is the case, what is the point of a new bios? i replied accordingly and i will reply here if i get a new response. Either way i dont pass it in my MS-01 of course.
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    Minisforum MS-01 PCIe Card and RAM Compatibility Thread

    Guys a question.. anyone managed to update the firmware on the x710 intel card? and if yes how he did it? i ask because i have small troubles with the sriov and maybe its the firmware version or the proxmox driver.... thx