Search results

  1. S

    Mini PC recommendation please

    First, I've had good luck with MakeMKV for ripping blu-rays. It runs on Windows, Macs, and Linux (although the Linux version is kind of hidden), although, yeah, you have to rip onto the HD before you can do anything else with the file. It sounds like you might be able to extract just the audio...
  2. S

    Time to switch to 200GbE ? (QSFP56 and/or OSFP vs QSFP-DD)

    FWIW, I don't think there's an easy way to connect a QSFP56 to a QSFP-DD at 200 Gbps today. One is 4 lanes of 50 Gbps, the other is 8 lanes of 25 Gbps. That pretty much rules DAC cables out, so you'd need optics for each that implement the same standard. only has 3 QSFP56 optics...
  3. S

    EXPIRED Neat GPS clock SFP module - $20

    A *gps* SFP? Huh. $20?
  4. S

    >=25G network not performing well with Windows 11

    Why do you have a 1ms RTT? That's in the gap between what I'd expect for a LAN, while being very close for a WAN. On my 10G fiber at home, is around 1.5 ms away, while local systems are more like 200-400us, depending on the stack. The bandwidth-delay product for a 200us link is...
  5. S

    Do 2.5G+ In-wall APs or switches exist?

    It's an exterior wall, so jamming a box into it would somewhat compromise the insulation. But it's an interesting idea.
  6. S

    Do 2.5G+ In-wall APs or switches exist?

    I have a device that I'd like to get 2.5G Ethernet to, but it's in my living room, which only has a single Ethernet pull (and I had to tear off drywall to get that in!). I currently have a Ruckus H550 in-wall AP in use there. The Ruckus provides 4x 1G downstream links; I'm using 2 of them...
  7. S

    Experiences with Arista 7050TX or equivalent

    Yeah, the biggest (fundamental, not just incidental) problem with STP is that you can never add bandwidth with STP, just cold-standby links. Ignoring things like [M]LAG for the moment, if there is more than one path from device A to device B through a L2 network with STP, then STP's job is to...
  8. S

    Experiences with Arista 7050TX or equivalent

    Naw, STP is terrible in a big DC for many reasons. But it's unavoidable in enterprises, and anyplace where you end up with lots of weird one-off configs. For big DCs, just do everything at L3 and you don't need to worry about STP or any of its inefficiencies. If you *need* L2, use something...
  9. S

    Experiences with Arista 7050TX or equivalent

    Well, the first few issues were missing features. Some of these have been partly fixed since then: - no OSPF - no Spanning Tree - port breakout was hard - switching between 10/25 (or 40/100) needed manually changing multiple port settings: RS encoding, etc. - iirc LACP wasn't working either...
  10. S

    Experiences with Arista 7050TX or equivalent

    I'm seeing *slightly* higher power use with 2x 7050QX-32Ses -- 100-110W over the past 12 months. At 30% fan they're fine in a closet, but I probably wouldn't want one near my desk.
  11. S

    Experiences with Arista 7050TX or equivalent

    I had SONiC on my 7060CX for around a year, and it was a *TERRIBLE* choice for the hardware. There are too many things that it doesn't do, and IMO SONiC doesn't make sense unless you're in a place where you're (a) using BGP for everything and (b) you can maintain your own custom build for your...
  12. S

    Weird eBay find: any clue what a Supermicro X10SDV-IBQ-AM04 is?

    I was looking for something else, and ran across this listing on eBay for a Supermicro X10SDC-IBQ-AM04, and it's weird enough that I decided to ask if anyone here had any idea what it is. It's presumably a custom board for someone that SM made, with a Xeon D-1567, but the form factor and a...
  13. S

    Desperate search for Arista EOS firmware

    I've verified that does *not* install on a 7050QX-32S. Mine are currently running 4.28.0F, because I don't have a good source for later 4.28 releases.
  14. S

    DEAD: Used Ruckus R710 - good deal $150USD shipped or less in qty

    FWIW, the R710 seems to have 5 more years of support from Ruckus. It went EOL in early 2022, but their docs say that it's supported until the end of 2027. So presumably they will keep receiving updates until then. Ruckus has went downhill lately, compared to a few years ago when they seemed...
  15. S

    Desperate search for Arista EOS firmware

    The site above has 4.19.10M, which is probably the final maintenance release of 4.19. It should be newer than 07F, and I assume that it'd work on anything that 4.19.07F would work on. IIRC, all of the M releases are newer than any of the F releases for any given version of EOS. See Arista's...
  16. S

    Shuttle Zignbox GL01 or GL02 Experiences? Differences?

    The ports and other specs look the same, but the GL02 is a bit taller. For $5, there can't be much else different, which probably means that the GL02 case has room for a 2.5" SATA drive and the GL01 case doesn't. I found a couple reviews that seem to match up with this, although someone griped...
  17. S

    Desperate search for Arista EOS firmware

    Yeah, but we shouldn't expect new features past 4.28.2F or so. Which mostly isn't a big deal, but there are some BGP issues that are fixed in 4.29, and python/sshd/etc will start getting old. I have a few old (and even not-that-old) boxes that I can't ssh into because their sshd doesn't...
  18. S

    Desperate search for Arista EOS firmware

    Also, 4.29.x drops support for another batch of older switches, including the 7050qx-32s, which was the only semi-affordable Arista switch that would run current EOS releases. I wish I'd bought a boatload of 7060s a couple years ago when they were "cheap", before the price went up ~6x. Oh...
  19. S

    Desperate search for Arista EOS firmware

    Also, seems to be a real EOS version, see Open-Source Software. I'm not going to make any claims about this file's accuracy, though.
  20. S

    Desperate search for Arista EOS firmware

    Also, EOS SWI files are just zip files. So you can inspect inside of them fairly easily. That's not to say that SWI files from random places on the internet are safe, but at least you have *some* hope of seeing what's inside of the package.